Simple and obvious solution.
Simple and obvious solution.
Because then it tends to become an arms race over who can afford the better cheats. And that’s less entertaining to watch, since it ends up meaning that dominant teams get more prize money which lets them be even more dominant and that advantage snowballs. So after a while you don’t have a race with multiple…
Any possibility Dennis is related to Ted DiBiase?
Back-in/pull-out seems like it would cause less hassle, because it's easier to see other cars coming as you pull out than it is when you are backing out.
I gotta admit, the cancer bit does put a slightly different spin on things.
Nobody says that when a Hummer EV rolls through.
That’s certainly a take.
The thing is that it’s complicated, right?
You can die of Alzheimers? I mean I know it affects memory and shit, but I didn't know it actually killed you.
Yeah, sometimes people other than yourself get a break. That’s fine. Most decent and non-spiteful people are just happy for them. Cause what goes around comes around and eventually you’ll be the one getting the lucky break.
Lol, you realize a lot of student loans are for working class people, right?
Let’s take the most prosaic of things. A house. Right. It’s a simple thing that people get paid wages to build. And, depending on the house, it can last quite a while. Decades at the very least, up to centuries for some residences. Heck, I’m sure there are buildings in Rome or Beijing ot elsewhere that have been…
Yeah, and here’s why.
“What exactly am I supposed to do here, not help my kid?”
You may not be aware, but the current understanding of the F35 is that its actually quite good, and coming in less than expected on price due to higher than anticipated sales.
And it's not even like historic brand. They started in 2001.
Damn, those Richard Mille watches are extraordinarily tacky.
Yes, residuals are a special unique facet of the tv and movie industry. I’m just pointing out that it *is* rare and unique and most jobs don’t work that way.
I get what you’re trying to say, but you DO realize that’s exactly how most jobs work, right?