*checks math*
*checks math*
What’s the wrestling term for a heel that people hate because he’s an idiot moreso than a villain?
I mentioned this to my coworker and all he had to say was “Makes sense, he’s fake as hell already”
Gun control is great. It works in every country in the world that has it at a national level. The problem in America is a state with weak gun laws floods the market of neighboring states.
What would it take? For us to reduce the Republican party to complete irrelevance. To flip more than 3/4 of states Democrat, and for Democrats to actually do what we put them in office for.
American gun "culture" is a mental illness.
And yet people will continually insist that the US doesn’t have a gun problem...
When a racist psychopath kills double digits of people in Germany, it’s a major event that shocks the entire nation and gets declared a terrorist attack.
There’s a Fn-Zero chance you’ll get one
I live in Eastern Oregon, that’s the dry side of the State for those of you who call it Ory-Gone instead of Or-Eh-Gun. We don’t have the high bandwidth infrastructure that our “Portlandia” cousins enjoy. All online shooters have lag for me, all of them. Sony’s PSN is way worse than Xbox for me. Maybe I’m used to it,…
Yes, you’ll have to buy the Expansion Pak.
Why? Why do you care? It’s a made up space ship show about made up space ship people, on a made up space ship. What difference does it make if they cast actors that don’t necessarily look like the made up cartoon space ship people for the real life made up space ship people?
If the show is good, the show is good. If…
“Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.”
Yeah I’m one of those who thought Ghosts was incredibly mediocre.
Cool people bought Zone of the Enders and played the demo!
I don’t care how many people I piss off with this hot take, I’m gonna do it:
Whatever else the movie did wrong, the idea of ‘TLJ ruining Luke’ from ‘hardcore’ fans is the most hilarious misunderstanding of Star Wars characters, lore and philosophy they could muster.
If this doesn’t included cast members from Big Mouth, it is a failure.
to be this stunningly stupid is an achievement, in a way