Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

"Well I see it on the sides and I see it on the thighs. Still fat to me, still fat to you. Fatty Maggo! Fatty Maggo! Maggo! Maggo!"
"Is this why you called me over here?"

"Uh, you guys all better eat a dick because Sweet Dee beat the system!"
Sweet Dee Gets Audited


"Hahaha that seems really dark though."

Mac's hesitant looks during the Implication speech are incredible.

This is a strange bank.

Must've been some kinda horse massacre

"The Gang Dines Out"
"…He's the kind of man who gives me the courage to do an amazing double jack-knife twist, which I did. Most of you people wouldn't even attempt that, I did it. And to go down on Chrissy Orlando on a trampoline that very same night, which I also did. And I licked her

"…The economy is in shambles.

I think you mean a claws

NBC: We just found out about Chicago four years ago, and we're very into it.

Someone defending Trump, who weighs 236 pounds, should probably avoid calling others pear shaped.

And nobody has ever lied when writing an article or book that would bring them money and/or attention.

Trailer Park Boys
Freaks and Geeks
The Kids in the Hall
Also if we can include currently airing shows that just have dire ratings: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Except for the couple episodes of The Wire he wrote.

So many actors on Boardwalk Empire are the definitive portrayal of their figures. Especially Michael Stuhlbarg as Arnold Rothstein, which is easily one of my top television performances of the past 10-15 years.

God, Marcia Gay Harden is stunningly beautiful in that movie.

Was that one set in OUTER……SPACE?

I'm not gonna debate you, Jerry. I'm not gonna sit here, and debate.