Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

"Is Twitter an appropriate forum to be discussing a sensitive issue like abortion? Wouldn't a better forum be nowhere?"

Before the Fall by Noah Hawley

"And I really really hoped I wouldn't die…I really really hoped I wouldn't die."
When Colin Farrell is on he's fuckin' on.

"Boy, you'd think there were ten of me."
Foster was fantastic in Hell or High Water. Such an underrated actor.

"Don't weaponize my faith in you against me."

Ehh I felt like Turturro's feet got more screen time than Camp.

While the show ultimately fell a little flat for me, the first episode of The Night Of really was fantastic. Always wished we had gotten more of Bill Camp as Detective Sergeant Box.
Edit: Also Michael K. Williams was great. The stuff in prison was definitely my favorite part of the later episodes.

Rachel Bloom was presenting at the Critics' Choice Awards last night and she joked about how critical acclaim is the only thing keeping the show alive.

"We'll bring your daughter home. Dead, or alive."
"Alive! Alive!"
"We're the LAPD, ma'am. We'll probably make the right call."

They also played the "I'm So Good at Yoga" theme when Rebecca and Valencia are first scoping out the salon.

Frank begging his father "Ask me to stop" is such a heartbreaking little moment.

"This isn't you. You're not a murderer."
"She just said she killed 3 people."
"I know, but I'm saying deep down."

His delivery of "I think I'm invincible." after Russel Crowe realizes he fell in the pool is fantastic.

Gabe, the neo-nazi who they send to call the police, will back up their story. Plus they've got the 911 call from their cell.

Ben Foster casually walking towards the posse while unloading on them with an assault rifle is top-fuckin-notch.

I remember an actual collective gasp in the audience when they walked into the final bank and the camera pans around showing almost two dozen people.
Also I love the scene at the gas station. "Boy, you'd think there were ten of me." and then Chris Pine rushing in and beating the living shit out of the guy

"How's the game goin'?"
"Longest hour of my life."
"I'm running away with your wife."

"Our show started out as a political satire, but it now feels more like a sobering documentary.”- Joulie Louis-Dreyfus' Emmy speech