Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

Plus the bartender's story about a guy looking for Alfred in 'The Streisand Effect.'
"Somebody was in here lookin' for you today. Waitin' for when I opened…No he wasn't Dominican, I don't think. But he was different. Shaved side of his head. Pink jacket. And he *wasn't* a friend. Sittin' in his car when I opened up.

The shooting reminded me of the scene in 'Streets on Lock' when Earns in jail and the officers beat the shit out of a clearly mentally unstable inmate.

"Praise the hardwood. Compliment the china. Give them hardwood, and a drenched vagina."

White Josh being the most emotionally intelligent character on the show always makes me smile.

Surprising that in Iowa, a state that doesn't have an absurdly targeted voter ID law, they were still able to catch her. It's almost as if those laws weren't actually created to stop fraud.

The screeching tires in the distance when the car turns back. Chills

Also the car breakdown is pretty terrifying. All this tension building and then, as the camera holds on the woman's face,

Well there was also the whole stabbing him thing. Domestic violence is, I hope, seen as something horrible people do.

Fargo's use of the Bobby Womack version was pretty good(the tv show not the movie)

Same thing happened when he claimed he had the best temperament in the first debate. It's like a black hole where no self-awareness can even exist.

"If you've just joined us, we're with Tracy Jordan, who is giving guitar icon Peter Frampton enigmatic clues about a secret treasure. Stay with us."

Yeah I loved the kinda 'serial killer in a hall of funhouse mirrors' lilt in his voice after he chose Boyle.

"Is this what you want?"
Fuck that dude was just evil

Holt hurling his computer(?) through the window then kicking the rest of the glass out and jumping through it while screaming like a mad man was incredible.

"There’s got to be an explanation for this, like he’s the Lord of Winterfell, or he’s working with a real piece of pipe."

Well the first time we see him is in the teacher's story, when she's telling Van they need to get some other teacher to take the kid to ISS or she's gonna lose it. Then when Van gets to ISS, which she's monitoring, she gets seated and remembers he's there.

QWEAHS was sitting right there.

-Van’s mini-Breaking Bad montage was pretty hilarious once she busts out the strainer and it starts getting really insane.
-Again, the show has some great music choices. This week with ‘Hit It and Quit It’ by Funkadelic, especially when it’s used a 2nd time at the end of the episode.
-Earn’s exasperated repetition of

"Quite a situation in downtown Tampa."
"Yeah, and there's that sinkhole too."
