Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

"Not sure if you remember, but when you were five, They had to put you under anesthesia to fix your teeth. Gave you that mask."
"Hmm. Gas that smelled like tutti frutti."
"Yeah. My soft little girl in a hard world of drills and needles."
"I'm 31, Dad. I carry a gun."
"I know. But it's relative, you know? There's the kind

Atticus, Scout, and Jem.
"He would be there all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning."

You know someone named Arsenio Billingham?

That was the last thing before Stranger Things I had seen Winona Ryder in. She was also fantastic, especially in this almost meta scene where her character, who was voted out of office, is talking about this emptiness in her now that the spotlight is gone.

"Hey, just because three quarters of the constitutional line of succession died doesn't make it not Margarita Monday."

Seriously, the bartender's story at the pool hall was such a great little omen.

Having him call a small child a dirty hippie was a pretty great way to start.

"Champagnes the woorrsst." *cue 'Spray the Champagne'*

Reminded me of the scene in Shawshank on the first night when everyone's laughing about the new fish breaking down until they realize he's about to get a serious beating.

His story was kinda funny but when the guy sitting in front of him turned around and we realize it's the old friend, I cracked up.

I hope they keep up with the awesome headwear he's rocking

Not just a scene but a Beastie Boys lyric from 'Brass Monkey':
"This girl walked by she gave me the eye
I reached in the locker grabbed the Spanish Fly
I put it with the Monkey mixed it in the cup
Went over to the girl, "Yo baby, what's up?"
I offered her a sip the girl she gave me lip
It did begin, the stuff wore in, and

"At this point, we just don't know enough to judge. Who are these women? Have they ever shoplifted perhaps? Do they wear short shorts? Do they drink alcohol? All these things are possible. We don't know the facts."

Alright, this next song goes out to the guy who keeps yelling from the balcony. It's called 'We Hate You. Please Die.'

I always loved Bill Burr's name on the show: Kuby(pronounced: cube-eee). Only said out loud a handful of times but something about it cracks me up.

"Youse fancy pants all a youse."

Gustavo Fring is a fantastic name now that I think of it.
Edit: As is Mike Ehremantraut and Hank Schrader

Denis pronounced like penis, from Inherent Vice, always cracks me up.

-Snake Plissken
-Boo Radley
-Broomhilda von Shaft
-And I know they're real life figures but I'll never get over how great Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid are as nicknames. Bad-fuckin-ass

So many great Mad Max names
-The Organic Mechanic, a doctor for Immortan Joe
-Rictus Erectus
- Toast the Knowing
-The Dag
-And even Max's full name: Max Rockatansky