Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

Also why I still crack up about his love of 'The Stones,' by which of course I mean 'The Mighty Mighty Bosstones.'

Teenage Dirtbag on Generation Kill.

"The last time I saw this face was July 4th, 1969. I am very sure that's the man who shot me." *cut to black*

"Celebrity snuff. Reality content made exclusively for your mobile phone. Oh what's that? MC Lyte just murdered Danny Bonaduce? Thanks, PHONE."


I liked Mr. Peanutbutter getting genuinely upset about Todd being a creep to Emily in the demo.
"Driver, you're making me uncomfortable!"
"Yeah, what're you doing Todd?!"

Slap my salami, the guys a commie.

-Candice Bergen was so great here. God her voice is soothing.

"No one who matters is against abortion." I think the people who make laws restricting access to abortion matter.

Is it bad that after thinking "aww this is a really sweet and touching comment" I immediately pictured the scene of Frank and the Always Sunny gang chanting "Flush! Flush! Flush! Flush!" at Sweet Dee?

Oh yeah she was great!
"Was that supposed to be a pep talk?"

Such a weird haircut. Is that like a neo nazi thing because the other woman had it too?

I'm gonna go with the sloth lawyer.
"So you saw the defendant?"
"The defendant…… saw him?"
"That's correct."
"The defendant was seen……….by you?""
"No further questions, Your Honor……..I'm sorry. I misspoke. A lot of further questions."

Yeah one of the thousand things this show does so well is have characters toss of horrible sentiments very casually.
Sarah Lynn: I'm at a place right now where I never need to grow as a person or rise to an occasion because I can constantly just surround myself with sycophants and enablers until I die tragically young.

Don't worry I only got it this episode when the Tom Srant graphic had him shooting water out his blowhole.

"Is Twitter an appropriate forum to be discussing a sensitive issue like abortion? Wouldn't a better forum be nowhere?"

-I love that Sextina Aquafina referred to A Ryan Seacrest Type as A Ryan, since that is presumably his first name.
-“Brapp brapp pew pew. A daring battle cry from the self appointed new voice of choice. But has the concept of women having choices gone too far? We've assembled this diverse panel of white men in bow ties

"Hey, unless you fuck it up in there 15 years is 12 years. 12 years you still have a chance of walking out a human being. Any more than that, no. You'll be 35 when you get out. You'll still have a life. Take the deal."
"It says that I killed her."
"No it doesn't. It says you don't trust 12 idiots on a jury to get it

Seriously, the minute the guy mentioned his niece was murdered and the killer got off, and specifically said she was the same age as the girl Nas is accused of killing, Nas should've gotten the hell away from him.

-Paul F. Tompkins is a national treasure and here he is in the Mr. Peanutbutter suit from HSACWDTKDTKTLFO at the season 3 premiere with Lisa Hanawalt…
-Diane’s disgust at the “sexy” doorbell, and using her elbow to hit it is a great little moment.
-Diane really did cross a line with