Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

You wanna get jammed up?

"Look on the bright side. Nobody got hurt."
"People got hurt."
"I'm saying, I think they died quickly. So I don't think they got hurt."

Recently rewatched it, and it totally still holds up but damn that is a movie that you want to have seen in theaters with an audience.

Every time I hear or read the phrase "no pun intended" I hear her saying "You *clearly* intended that pun."

Not just her smoking but because she had tossed a still lit cigarette onto the ground at a gas station

I would think post in WOT or something similar to just gauge interest. Then set up a designated day and spot on the site(maybe everyday in WOT if you want). Then just take it an episode or 2 at a time. Let me know if you end up doing it because I'd love to participate!

They're very different shows, but I finally started Crazy Ex-Girlfriend now that it's on Netflix, and it also does a great job of taking the jokes to weird and hilarious places only to then bring it crashing down(in a good way) with the themes of depression and self-sabotage.

"You should be on tv—which, holy shit they're flat now."

"You know the sound of thunder…"

The 'next week on' segment ended with a guard telling Nas, "he wants to see you," gesturing to a rather ominous looking cell on the 2nd tier. Might be Williams.

He was so upset, he couldn't drag race his Porsche for weeks afterward.

"I can see you're looking healthy and by 'healthy' I mean chunky. I don't mean that as an insult, I'm just stating it as fact."

Quietly threatening? He was pretty reasonably pissed about some girl tossing a still lit cigarette on the ground at a gas station.

Wasn't the flaw that it just appoints the winner alphabetically?

"This is actually just Jin Yiang pranking me. I should actually take it. Why of course I have frogs' legs, why do you ask?"

I think the last time someone called me a cuck it was their way of essentially calling me a race traitor. But at least these terms make it easier for the idiots to self-identify.

The shots showing the security camera footage of him going through the toll booth or at the gas station reminded me of the pilot of The Wire, where they frequently had shots showing the characters under everyday surveillance.

I hope that is all we see of the hearse driver. It was already about as subtle as a kick in the teeth as foreshadowing but if the actual killer was a guy driving a hearse I will lose a lot of respect for this show.