Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

The reason why the moon hides its face most of the time was cuz of the shame that Alan Ruck gave him when bedding the wife of the Moon King.


I like how arguably the most brutal and upsetting instance of violence happens off screen and we just see the result.

From 30 Rock: "Friendship and trust in the entourage is the most important thing. Like that HBO show…… John Adams.

Just wanted to clarify again that this wasn't a case of someone just opening fire into a crowd, but rather a fight in a green room backstage that escalated. The loss of life obviously isn't any less tragic because of this but at least I can wrap my head around it.

Reports are saying that there wasn't gunfire in the crowd, but rather in a green room backstage. Still awful but thankfully it wasn't someone indiscriminately shooting up the place.

"I guess my question is do you… Do you think it's too late for me? I mean, am I just doomed to be the person that I am? The person in that book? It's not too late for me, is it? It's not too late, Diane I need you to tell me it's not too late. I need you to tell me that I'm a good person. I know that I can be selfish

From the fantastic and heartbreaking Bojack Horseman episode that is essentially about Cosby: "At this point, we just don't know enough to judge. Who are these women? Have they ever shoplifted before? Do they wear short shorts? Do they drink alcohol? All these things are possible. We don't know the facts."

From 30 Rock: "Blitzer if you don't do this for me I’ll tell everyone your real name, Steel Hammerhands!”

"What if my problem wasn't that I don't understand people but that I don't like them? What if I was the kind of person who was obliged to hurt you for this? I mean physically. I think you'd have to believe afterward, if you could, that agreeing to participate and then backing out at the critical moment was a mistake.

"Who are you yelling at? We're the only two people in the fucking house! You're not gonna get me to change my opinion about myself."

"This is highly enriched, weapons-grade bullshit."

The Social Network taught me that, no matter how uninteresting a company may be to you, nothing that big gets made without some drama.

If you haven't yet, definitely check out The Devil's Candy by Julie Salamon about the disastrous production of The Bonfire of the Vanities film adaptation with Hanks and Bruce Willis, directed by Brian De Palma. Such a good read.

To be fair though, Chuck thinks Jimmy wronged him because Jimmy did actually wrong him.

Yeah I worded my comment poorly. I meant he revealed what he had done only when he thought what he had done was going to destroy Chuck. Didn't mean that he revealed what he did to destroy Chuck.

Never said I did. In fact in another comment I explicitly said I didn't.