Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

Yeah my one complaint about this otherwise absolutely stunning finale was that we didn't get much of Kim. I mean she just shows up at the hospital seemingly unfazed by the whole situation.

It is possible to have an emotional reaction to a TV show, and sympathize with a character (as I do with Jimmy) and still recognize the motivations (both justified and petty) of other characters.

Yeah but that's why I'm all over here rationalizing Chuck's actions. Because if we're rationalizing shitty behavior we've gotta do it for everyone.

True. I'm not saying that Chuck decision was right, and I don't think he said what he did out of concern for Jimmy, but it's still a decision I would struggle with.

I'm aware that the context is that Kim got a client for her firm. She left the firm and took the client with her. Chuck(as a way of fucking over Jimmy) got the client back. Jimmy stole documents from Chuck, and doctored them to scuttle Chuck's case and get Kim her client back(which is shitty to not only Chuck, but

Agreed. I understand (but don't agree) with Chuck's decision to not let Jimmy get hired to HHM, but if he had allowed Jimmy to get hired I think Jimmy could've stayed the course, knowing that his brother believed in him. This show just keeps breaking my heart.

Him taking his finger off the trigger when it was clear that Nacho was in the way is such a great moment.

Yeah it was pointed out a few weeks ago but Ernie and Omar are two just awesome characters who on another show would barely be noticed.

Chuck didn't make Jimmy take the money out of the cash register. Have Chuck's actions pushed Jimmy away from an honest path? Sure. But Jimmy is no victim.

Apologies, just some people in the comments go really far to rationalize Jimmy's actions(which I found especially weird in the episode with the cold open of Jimmy as a child taking money out of the till).

"Trick Jimmy into committing a felony…"? He tricked him into admitting he committed a felony.

Would it? Unlike Chuck I think Jimmy obviously really loved his parents and felt guilty about things that had happened in the past, and things he could've done better. I think not being there for his mother in her final moments as she called out for him would've broken his heart.

Oh I 100% agree that Jimmy is not only a better person than Walter but a fundamentally good person who does bad things whereas Walter was a fundamentally bad person who just spent the first 50 years of his life doing ok things.

But if Chuck had said "she woke up and asked for you" people here would be saying "Oh fuck Chuck for torturing Jimmy like that!"

Yeah but it's still *that* close to gaslighting an already mentally unbalanced person. Do I think he did it with the intention of destroying Chuck? Of course not, he did it for Kim but that's still a shitty thing to do to Chuck, and it's even a shitty thing to do to Kim.

But it's pretty easy to see that even if he doesn't say "and you weren't there" that will be the first thing in Jimmy's mind.

I didn't say he's just charming. I think he is a fundamentally decent person who at this point has become too used to doing things his way. And his way is often morally wrong.

And Jimmy deliberately stole documents from his mentally ill brother's home, and doctored them to screw up Chuck's case. If Jimmy is gonna constantly fall back on being a con man maybe someone needs to respond in kind.

What do you think is better: "Mom died but she never regained consciousness." or "Mom woke up, called out for you, and you weren't here."?

He rushed in when he realized that Ernie and the guy running the place hadn't called 911 and didn't know what to do. He didn't rush in immediately.