Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

The way Jimmy acted? He only owned up to what he did when he thought it had completely destroyed Chuck. Chuck's a douchebag but Jimmy is no saint. He's charming.

Yeah how dare Chuck get Jimmy to admit to something fucked up that Jimmy totally did.

I'm really confused how getting someone to admit they stole documents from you, and doctored them in order to mess up a case you were handling makes you a villain. Really Chuck is a total douchebag but is he supposed to just lay down and let Jimmy screw him over?

Wait, what? He should've said "Oh yeah mom woke up for a minute and her last words were calling out for you but you weren't there."? What good would that have done?

He admitted to the fucked up thing he did only when he thought it was going to completely destroy his brother.

"I know this is personal and that's how you'll fail. No speeches. You point the gun, you shoot."
Yeah he was awesome.

Yeah Anthony Anderson's character who Barrigan kills moments later was a friend of Costigan's from the academy. Maybe they got em mixed up.

Feast your ears on THAT Spin Doctors mix Mr. Mare.

Also with the cult showing up before everyone: I get that the show says they got there before FEMA but they were pulling people out of the wreckage. We're supposed to believe they got there before *anyone* else? Really?

Abort his project? He already got the money. Why stick around to get a spark plug he didn't need? And if he was ashamed why whip out his bankroll and then give Jimmy a lesson on sheep and wolves?

By flee do you mean casually leave the store after buying the cigarettes?

I don't get how someone could think they can dodge criticism by saying something is the byproduct of the characters and the world of the show if they're the person who created the characters and the world of the show and the show itself.

You know that gunshot wounds can still be life threatening even if they don't hit a vital organ, right? Blood loss, sepsis etc.

Not unless you can open your mind…and learn to play the fuckin' theremin.

So he fires a gun, and people die as a result of that, right? Am I missing anything?

I haven't seen BvS but The Incredibles also did the 'supervillain has a list of superheros' thing […] and I'm willing to bet The Incredibles did it much better.

I thought Crowe was great in Master and Commander. Still bummed they never made another one. So much source material to work with.
Edited to add this scene with him and Paul Bettany that I love:…

Going the opposite way, Hank says "we're pretty sure he[Tuco] knifed a Mexican national in '03." in Season 2 of BrBa.

"This Jerry of yours, Stiglitz, not exactly the loquacious type, is he?"
"Is that the kind of man you need? Loquacious type?"

I know next to nothing about the professional world and office politics of being a lawyer but I would think(or hope) that for a position like the one they're offering her, and on a partner track, that there would be some kind of contract.