Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

I don't know why but I love the fact that you had him pick the title track off the album. Something about that repetition just makes me laugh.

Yeah I said(last week I think) that she shouldn't leave because it could be difficult to get a similar position at a good firm since she certainly wouldn't have any support from Howard. But with this offer on the table…She owes HHM no loyalty, and now there's no real reason to remain there anymore.

Nah he was just leaving Rosita, not the settlement.

If you swallow some apple seeds just smoke a cigarette. The smoke will suffocate the bacteria in your stomach.

Bozos, disassemble!

Phil Cosby

Stephen Colbert
Edit: Also Country Mac

Ok but seeing as how 'sociopath' is an actual term, and not just some reference, you should've presented that context originally.

I don't doubt Chuck told that story in no small part to drive a wedge between Kim and Jimmy. But I also think he truly believes that's the full story of Jimmy and their father, and he might honestly not want to see someone who he knows to be a talented and well-meaning lawyer to get dragged down by Jimmy. Great part

I thought this week showed that Chuck really didn't throw her to the wolves, or at least wasn't leading to the charge to do so. When Hamlin brings Chuck the Mesa Verde case, Chuck asks "So she's outta the dog house, huh?"(or something like that)

I would think that finding another position would be tough since it's not like Howard or anyone will give her a ringing endorsement, and even if she did she'd have to work her way back up again. Her career is with HHM, and the best thing for her, it seems, is to try and preserve it.

Oh yeah I'm definitely not saying I take Chuck's story as gospel. I doubt Jimmy was stealing from the shop just because. If he did skim money I'd think he was trying to use it to benefit the family in some way. But just like I don't believe Chuck 100%, I don't think Jimmy is 100% innocent.

Loyalty is paramount to him but, as we've seen, he is still capable of making very stupid decisions that end up hurting the people around him.

Loved that shot of her in the parking garage when she got the call from Mesa Verde. That little moment of celebration made Howard sending her back to doc review all the more crushing.
Edit: And those shots of her from outside the stairway window with the post-its. As well as the whole sequence set to a Spanish version

Cheer up buddy. We can tide ourselves over with a couple fresh molotov cocktails.

Now this child that was mean to you, was he a child emperor?

Terminus was probably the biggest example of this. He was two seconds away from a bat to the back of the head.

And this being his first time must be essentially tough since it's not killing someone in the heat of a fight. It's cutting a man's throat while he sleeps.

The scene with Avon, and Stringer on the balcony, reminiscing about their childhood. Each having betrayed the other.