Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

"I have an idea. We give the dog a bunch of chocolates. It dies. While everyone is celebrating-"

My response to friends telling me they're having kids: "Hope you like shitty folk art."

Well she's not gonna bone Gizmo!

Shoulda gone with his speech after getting kicked off the plane.

Kim wearing Jimmy's University of American Samoa sweater was so sweet

I also think it's kind of a reference to the opening shots of American Psycho where drops of what looks like blood fall in slow motion only to reveal that it's sauce on a plate in a restaurant.

Also if you stick around till the very end: "Boxer versus Raptor. Nanananananana"

There is a scene where Caine does the trick but it's for Bale's daughter

"At this point, we just don't know enough to judge. Who are these women? Have they ever shoplifted before? Do they wear short shorts? Do they drink alcohol? All these things are possible. We don't know the facts."

Hey, I'm not burning the duster! Okay, I'm not burning the duster. Alright. That's crazy. That's like…that's insane. Why would I ever burn…heh…I mean c'mon…I will continue to wear it in his honor and I will burn some other things. You know, maybe like these stupid god damn sleeveless t-shirts that he wants "retired"

Comedian Paul F. Tompkins: What does he know? Does he know things?? Let's find out!

"You know what word I'm not comfortable with? Nuance. It's not a real word. Like gesture. Gesture's a real word. With gesture you know where you stand. But nuance? I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong."

If you haven't seen it already you should check out the concert film T Bone Burnett and the Coen Brothers put on to celebrate the release of Inside Llewyn Davis. It's called 'Another Day, Another Time.'

HBOGO is even worse since when I pull up a show it'll list the most recent episode with a description.

Speaking of Jaws the thing that still scares me(or at least is deeply unsettling) is Quint's story of the Indianapolis.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong his issue wasn't particularly with the war in Afghanistan but rather with a specific commander or commanders and causing the DUSTWUN was a way to get heard.

If we're being honest I just copied and pasted the quote and was too lazy to go back and write it in all caps.

I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves! Be gone from me, vile man, be gone from me! A starter car?! This car is a finisher car! A transporter of gods, the golden god! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!

It’s like the thrill of being near the executioner’s switch. Knowing that at any moment, you could throw it, but knowing you never will…but you could. Never isn’t the right word, because I could…and I might…I probably will.

God Cop: Crime just got a new worst friend