Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

"Bring. Back. My. Pig."

One of the trailers was on the list last year.

"I broke my boy."

How could you forget the trailer for Roar(the movie Noel Marshall made with a bunch of untrained lions, that resulted in Melanie Griffith needing facial reconstructive surgery)?… And its incredible tagline: 'No animals were harmed in the making of this film. 70 members of the cast and crew

"It's good to be young but let's not kid ourselves / It's better to pass on through those years and come out the other side / With our hearts still beating / Having stared down demons and come back breathing"

David Tennant cuts his own hair?

Serpico should keep his mouth shut.

Feast your ears on THAT Spin Doctors mix!

God, the phone call between Pacino and Crowe in The Insider is just fantastic.

Devil in the White City is a fantastic book about Holmes and the World's Fair. One of the creepiest parts of the story is how easy it was for people to just disappear back then.

Sometimes overly religious people get it into their heads that God hates them and they need to punish themselves.

I do too, and I'm starting to think that if evie really did disappear then the crickets gone too. Just gonna be an empty box.

Carol: I don't know if I believe in God anymore, or heaven, but if I'm going to hell I'm making damn sure I'm holding it off as long as I can.

Eugene: I also believe my services would be best rendered right very here.
Aaron: What?!
Eugene: I also believe my services would be-
Rosita: SHUT UP!

I'd like it if the next episode opens with them all running directly into the path of several thousand zombies.

"I had a dream last night that a hamburger was eating ME!"

Laughs are cheap. I'm going for gasps.

Along with the woman who denied recognizing a selfie of Fielder he clearly took in the courtroom.

And how polite of Nathan to lay down his jacket for the woman crawling through the tiny door to face Hebert the alligator. He really is Canadian.