Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

So that's a no.

But it does exist to some degree. That's why the drug dealer friend came back after being shot, and (I'm guessing) why the druggies' friend came back after od'ing

"I'm gonna blast your candy ass once and for all."

Don't you have a slanket you should be filling with your farts?

"Listen up fives. A ten is speaking."

Yeah it was nice showing this movie to my parents the other day (after being inspired by this article) and watching their faces as he just burns the house down. A few bars in my dad asked me if that was actually Jack Black singing.

Couldn't you be any more obvious than that, Rob? How bout- uh I don't know- The Beatles? How bout fucking- fucking Beethoven? Track One, Side One of the Fifth Symphony.

That's all they ever do. That's right, I've actually listened to a song by Dawes.

Where's his ticket to the Grammys?

Also speaking of David Simon and HBO miniseries, more people need to see Generation Kill. Fantastic series.

Also the preview for next week shows Namond, and the trailer had a clip of Cool Lester Smooth.

Yeah him smirking in the city council meeting, as the developer next to him was still shaken from nearly being attacked was pretty great. As was him calling out the cop who made him go back out into the crowd, instead of letting him in the side door.

"It's non-flammable helium. What part of that don't you get?"
"Well, obviously the core concept."

It jumped up a notch

I will never not laugh at Jack immediately dropping his act when the woman brings out her kid.
"This is your son."
"I am not Larry Braverman. I repeat: I am not Larry Braverman."

Why don't you go purify yourself in the waters of Lake Minnetonka.


"But, if I can be real about it?"
"Be real, son."
"Be real, real, son."
"He tried to kill my father, man."
"I don't play that shit!"
"Yo, say word he tried to kill your father, son."
[grabbing boom mike from above]: "THE NIGGA TRIED TO KILL MY FATHER!"

It's the only way to deal with me and the fellas following him around.

I love that when Rob calls him out on this Barry casually mentions they don't even have that record.