Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

"What will we find when we strip away your finery?"
Pryce was fantastic in that scene, as he is in all scenes, as was Lena Headey when Cersei silently realized how fucked she was.

Yeah I loved their discussion of the allegory of the cave.
"I will say this, mother. Plato was onto somethin'."
"He was considered fairly astute."
Also later in the episode:
"Mother. I think it's time."
"Time we got into yarn."

How is giving someone something and then taking it back named after US?

They can still use her affar with Lancel, and even with Jaimie. Just because she had an incestuous affair doesn't necessarily mean the children aren't really Roberts.

"'Grief threesome with Gina and Blaine's hot mom question mark' WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Awwwww Pigly

Not including his introduction: "Greetings from The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock N' Rolla!"
is an afront to common decency.

A lot of times when regular Jeopardy! contestants screw up on an easy question I give 'em the benefit of the doubt since it's a lot easier playing from your couch then it is under the lights. But when the questions are as easy as they are on Celebrity Jeopardy! and the contestants should be at least somewhat used to

"No *he's* giving me *his* kidney."
"Aren't you going to fill out a new form?"
"No I'll remember." *shakes clipboard* "Opposite! Opposite!"

Theon is a POV character in Clash of Kings, at the end of which he is captured. Then he doesn't show up till Dance when Reek is a POV character, and it's made clear it's Theon.(Although the book never explicitly states he was castrated.)
Speaking of which one of Ramsay's most disturbingly calm lines:
Random Lord: Him?

Gendry and hip bones are commoners, and Davos used to be. Littlefinger however was born to a very small not so wealthy but still noble family and was sent to be fostered at Riverrun when he was a child.

From the producers of Chums. ♪ I'll be here always ♪ ♪ While the rains fall on whales ♪….Chums?!

That's what I was trying to avoid. A conversation about body mass, okay? We've had that conversation once a week for god knows how long because we keep watching Predator and all you talk about is Weathers and Jesse "The Body" Ventura and how many pounds they can pack on.

From the books(no spoilers)
Reek: "Once, a boy called Theon Greyjoy had enjoyed tweaking Bolton as they sat at council with Robb Stark, mocking his soft voice and making japes about leeches. He must have been mad. This is no man to jape with. You had only to look at Bolton to know that he had more cruelty in his pinky

Her father is the kennel master of the Dreadfort, not Winterfell, since the kennel master of Winterfell, along with everyone else was murdered by the Iron Born/Ramsay way back when Winterfell was first sacked.

Well they still lost the war, and I can't imagine many of the people at Castle Black know who his dad is, and Sam's certainly not gonna bring it up.

The brother who had just recently given orders to his generals for their battle against Stannis, in which Stannis, and many many others, would have died. Who also refused Stannis' offer of peace. Also what does Renly being sensitive and gay have to do with anything?

Apparently before giving them the tv rights Martin asked Benioff and Weiss who they thought Jon Snow's mother was. They haven't said what their answer was but on the basis of that, and a million more important factors, Martin signed off on the project.

Aemon: A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing.
*Enter Jon Snow*

Roose had some good lines when he was fucking with Jaime.
-"I would've hope you learned your lesson about overplaying your…position."
-"You haven't heard? Stannis Baratheon laid siege to King's Landing, sailed into Blackwater Bay, stormed the gates with thousands of men. And your sister…How can I put this?…Your