Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

Ehh I think that scene was Roose's fucked up way of both asserting his authority, keeping Ramsay on his toes, and making it clear that Ramsay is his son and heir. Roose is around 50 years old so he's getting up there. No sense in risking your house being left in the hands of a child, especially if Ramsay would just

Where's a Tina Belcher gimmick account when you need one?

I love when they're all springting through Grand Central and Hannibal just stops dead in his tracks and looks up at the ceiling.

I just picked up a great piece by the Mark Roth Co.

Alex McScratchy-Back is gonna school them both.


Season 4, Episode 5 "First of His Name"
Daario: "The Second Sons took the Meereenese navy."
Which is apparently 93 ships which can carry 100 men, not including the sailors.

I liked his moral dilemma over whether or not he should arrest Hizdahr. I've been rewatching The West Wing recently and it reminds me of Bartlett's deliberation over whether or not he should order the covert assassination of a foreign diplomat who had been helping to fund/direct a terrorist network. One of the best

Bear claw

He shouldn't be so mean to doughnuts.

Cersei is a little smart, and a lot paranoid, reckless, and woefully overconfident.

You are allowed to have opinions. And people are allowed to criticize you because of your opinions. Criticism and censorship are two very different things.

And you keep electing assholes as state legislators, and governors, and congressmen, and school board officials, and judges.

They serve a higher power(in their mind at least)

But why? It's not like people have seen pictures of him. They know Jaime Lannister is just a handsome man with blonde hair. The two times Brienne and Jaime got ousted were by people who had personally seen Jaime before which is insanely coincidental.

I can't really imagine a way the show could've hinted at it before now without making it painfully obvious(just look at tonight's events). They couldn't really show the Tower of Joy, or many other subtle, one line hints from the books.

Yeah it'd be pretty foolish to have Margaery, Loras, Mace, and Olenna in King's Landing all at once for any extended amount of time. Would've made it way too easy to wipe out the entire family.

Everyone has heard the incest rumors. Stannis sent a letter laying it out to every lord in the Seven Kingdoms, and way back in season 2 a street preacher type was screaming about it(in addition to calling Tyrion a demon monkey)

One of the moments from this season's trailer that I've been waiting for, Oleanna: "They'll never even find what's left of you."

Plus it would make it a lot more obvious who he is. People might not recognize him but it doesn't take a genius to figure out who the blonde, staggeringly handsome knight with one hand is.