Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

They had, what, 8 guys with shields and long spears? You think, with their training, they would get into a tight formation rather than splitting up and getting in way too close.

Yeah when she talks about sex as two halves coming together to form "life, light, and shadows" I felt that was a pretty clear clue to viewers.

I also liked the possible callback when, confronted by the Dornishmen, Bronn immediately establishes both of their fake names since that was how Brienne and Jaime were outed by Stark men in season 2. This isn't Bronn's first rodeo.

Exactly. I get that they are mostly known as being the best infantry, and that patrolling a city isn't exactly their forte but c'mon.

The moment in season one when Walter is putting together the broken pieces of the plate and realizes one's missing is one of my favorite moments in the whole series.

GOD DAMN IT Gooch an egg is not a jumping off point!

I'm now imagining Tracy playing Wee Bey on The Wire

So you don't peacock this new business model?

For a man who thinks Jews come from outer space he really loves School Ties

"I'm getting a million for each year we were married."
"That's 12 million. You said you were getting peanuts. That's 12 million peanuts!"
"You pay a dollar per peanut?"

"Boyfriend is what I call my comfort dog! He jumped into an alligators mouth…on purpose!"

Ehh I feel like Kayla gets a little too focused on each character having emotional development etc. Not that shows shouldn't have that but it's an intentionally and beautifully absurd comedy and I appreciate it as such.

*Lillian enters apartment* "Do NOT go in there."
"Wher- Outside?!"

"Just sign these papers and we can proceed with your divorce. I think. I'll talk to David about it later when I watch him work out."

That's actually hilarious

So you're tellin' me this guy gets off on little girls with pigtails?

"Did you say 100 *bugs*?"

Is that a *brand new* cassette tape of the Rain Man soundtrack?

And if anybody asks you tell 'em it was Golden Joe and the Suggins Gang!

HOW is promising something and then taking it away named after US?!