Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

Stan slowly realizing what Peggy was really saying later in the episode was a thing of beauty.

And we got to understand where he was coming from when she gets fired by Dan.
"What if I cried? Like the women do in movies?"
"Wouldn't work. You're talking to a guy who once broke off an engagement at an Applebee's, and then ordered dessert."

Also his follow up in the hallway when Mike claimed he was just stretching his lips was great: "You ever play poker, I want in, 'cause you are one terrible liar. And that's sad 'cause that's your whole job."

There's a great moment in Zodiac(since every moment in Zodiac is a great moment) where Robert Downey Jr.'s character touches on this.
"Do you know more people die in the East Bay commute every three months than that idiot ever killed? He offed a few citizens, wrote a few letters, then faded into footnote."

"Do you think that's the best move, ma'am?"
"The thing I just said that I should do? Do I think it's the thing I should do? Is that your question, Mike?"

"You ever play poker, I want in, 'cause you are one terrible liar. And that's sad 'cause that's your whole job."

"Watching you end up over there would break my heart."
"What, like Julia Roberts from 'My Best Friend's Wedding?'"
"I never saw it."
Zach Woods continues to be incredible.

One of my favorite Reek moments is in Dance when he thinks about how clueless he must have been to ever make jokes about Roose.
"Once, a boy called Theon Greyjoy had enjoyed tweaking Bolton as they sat at council with Robb Stark, mocking his soft voice and making japes about leeches. He must have been mad. This is no

Kunis does not a chicken catch. Determination. That's what catches chickens.

An even more disturbing thought: That's their hobby.

You know what word I'm not comfortable with? Nuance. It's not a real word.

Diner is awesome

Bobs high pitched voice he uses when he is talking to himself through inanimate objects, usually food, is always hilarious.

Dude hangs dong

Well yeah he was in the camp when Renly died.

I half expected her to give them a pep talk. "Don't get too down on yourself, guys. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

*I don't want to kill anybody.

I'm sure his twin brother, fellow NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, will be cheering him on from the ISS. Scott is up there for the longest stay in it's history, and NASA is observing Mark here on the ground to see how the human body handles extended amount of time in space.

Which is why it would be nice if Wikileaks exercised even a modicum of discretion when deciding what the public legitimately needs to know, and what simply will fuck up governmental/military operations that, while they are happening in secrecy, are not inherently wrong.