Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

"You know there's a theory that Reagan hired Hinckley so he could get two weeks in bed."

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

This randomly reminded me of Jim Gaffigan's bit about how drinking wine out of anything other than a wine glass makes you seem like a drunk, especially a sippy cup.

It can be two things!

Some people I was watching with voiced the same concern about Grey Worm and all I could say was, "literally every unsullied we've seen meets the basic requirements of olive skin, shaved head, stoic face."

His scenes are perfect for bathroom breaks. Nothing important, or interesting is gonna happen.

And get drunk. That's key.

They have used consistently awesome music(mostly rap) to close out episodes. Highlight from Season 1: Smokin' and Drinkin' by Danny Brown…

I'd like to think that Jon wouldn't be ok with someone suffering for suffering's sake, regardless of who it was.

Well in the book she just says valonqar, which means little brother, which Jaime technically is. The point being that it would have to be pretty heavy handed to explain it to viewers, even without completely spoiling it. Like Dany's visions in the House of the Undying. Some things simply can't be adapted to other

Gasoline is a key component of any healthy diet. That's why I like to have at least 2 Molotov cocktails a day.

I was a little distracted while watching the game so when I looked up and saw she had gone from being up by like 5 grand easy to having barely enough to stop a runaway going into FJ it was pretty startling.

We need to pivot. Like Harrenhall was originally an enormous castle and then they pivoted and became a playground for the sexually monstrous when Gregor Clegane showed up.

He did and he was also in Armando Iannucci's movie In the Loop before that.

And Veep! And Last Week Tonight going strong as always. What a time to be alive.

That's what 'Hyperbolicsyllabicsesquedalymistic' by Isaac Hayes is for. Hell just saying the name takes a minute.

You didn't even mention me slurping on a Molotov cocktail as my avatar. You wanna get jammed up?

Easily one of the funniest. My favorite would probably be Saul explaining the 'Old Yeller' situation to Walt:

*the living room of his friend's basement apartment. Much classier.