Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

I'm pretty sure the friend was hooking up with Marco. I also think she mentioned something about "he's not a manager? He said he'd give me his card. etc" while her friend was hustling her out the door. That was probably Marco's line.

He ain't all that humble

(Semi)Relevant 30 Rock quote:
Jack: If Canada is so nice and friendly then why does most of our meth come from YOUR Asian drug gangs?
Avery: Are we not even making our own meth anymore? What is happening to American manufacturing?!

Don calling the computer salesman the Devil, while drunk off his ass, was pretty great.
"You talk like a friend but you're not. I know your name."
"It's Lloyd. I told you-"
"No you go by many names. I know who you are. You don't need a campaign. You've got the best campaign since the dawn of time."

Well said

Would some marshmallows make you feel better? I've been warming them in the pocket of my Dungarees.

And if you like entertainment with your meal Mr. Michael Buble will be performing two shows a night. At the 8 pm show Michael is a ventriloquist. At 11 he'll perform a one man show about William Faukner.

I love Stan's reaction when Megan and Don first show the idea in the office. "It's a nice twist on the 'stupid husband, pushy wife' because they actually like each other."

Yeah it broke my heart seeing him explain that he wanted the office next to Chuck, not realizing what was happening. Fuck Chuck.

Yeah if he had just been straight up and said "Jimmy I love you, and think you could be a great lawyer*, but I simply am not comfortable allowing you to enter the firm I have worked my entire life to build through the back door." it still would've been painful but not nearly as cruel.

Yeah but that still gives away the fact that Jimmy is getting fucked over. Rtozier was plenty calm, and politely asked that people not toss shit like that off.

Yeah even during the BrBa era Gus had people who were running corners working for him. Vertical integration and all that noise.

Totally random but this reminds me of the Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee with Alec Baldwin where there's a bit of confusion with their waitress that ends with the waitress telling Baldwin, "What do you want? We'll give you what we have."

Yes, we'd all like to get home to our hotplates

I wouldn't know. I refuse to read literature that questions the morality of war.

5 more years instead of 2 isn't gonna make much of a difference at the rate Martin is going.

Skipped a step in defusing a bomb?!

Well one of the first lines of the movie is "how do you distinguish yourself in a population of people who all got 1600s on their SATs?" He wants to make the next big thing, and, in the world he occupies at Harvard, he's practically nonexistent.

Zuckerberg points that out. You're comparing two girls against each other rather than rating them one at a time.

I like standing next to you Sean. It makes me look so tough.