Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

"I'm not coming back for thirty percent. I'm coming back for *everything*"

Don't forget ABC's breakout hit Pan Am which surpasses even Mullaney as the greatest show of the 21st century.

"What's that metal bird up in the sky?"

"You're gonna embarrass me in front of the other uneducated adults"

Fun anecdote

Finished Lush Life by Richard Price which I really liked and am now about 2/3rds of the way through Clockers which is fantastic so far.

Not to mention when he first got the bribe and finally decides to launder the money he says, "upon this rock I will build my church."

Really loved the opening shot tracking down across the various mug shots ending with a close up of Jimmy staring right into the camera

Kinda reminded me of the music from Out of Sight

Not if Robert Durst has anything to say about it. (I'm not particularly proud of this joke)

So I can't double fist drinks while riding shotgun now? Welcome to Obama's America.

Also that came out in 2002 so that would be a topical reference, despite what the review here says

Another great Dennis joke that takes a while to pay off is in St. Patrick's Day.
"Hey Criss there's a lesbo movie on Showtime!"
*Later in the episode*
"You missed the end of the movie. The kid goes back to college, and Mark Ruffalo's just gonna do his own thing with the restaurant."

Liz you remember my wife Megan Duffy: maiden name Duffy, hopefully no relation.

Wait, are you gonna 'Balloon Boy' that kid?

And chico if anything happens to the 2nd and 3rd place prizes provided by Aleve eeee pobrecito…Trebek is gonna stick your heads up your asses faster than a rabbit gets fucked.

I liked the headline: Cheney Still Haunted By People He Didn't Manage To Kill.

I can't laugh at everything you say(I'm hoping your comment was a Mad Men reference)

Gold: When the shit goes down, what do you want in the briefcase handcuffed to your arm?

Especially one with that many conditions. "This figurine goes to her, unless she gets remarried to her old husband, in which case it goes to this other guy, but then the figurine that was originally going to him goes to someone else."