Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

Egghhhhh Lady of the Red ASS!

Well I can't imagine whatever is happening with his brother playing out too well, since he's gone by the time the events of BrBa start.

Yeah I always assumed he killed that guy but the fact that is still operating under the same name, and is allowed to have a concealed carry permit in, as he described it, so many states that "it would be quicker to list the ones [he's] not listed to carry in" means it either had to be a killing in the line of duty

She was in the board room at the law firm in the premiere. She's played by Rhea Seehorn, and the pre-air review makes it seem like she'll be coming back up in future episodes.

December 20th, 1979 to be exact. Really snuck in under the wire there.

And then, after Saul talks him down again, Tuco randomly suggests a Colombian Necktie as just punishment for the "biz-natch" comment.

Plus Tuco doesn't have Nacho around by the time the events of BrBa start, and this episode made it seem like he is a more analytical, and calming counterbalance to Tuco.

But both of them were in the desert and the guy he told to "stop…helping" is the one he beat to death on BrBa

I really just want to know how what happened to cause him to leave the Philadelphia PD, since Hank described his exit from the force as dramatic. One loose end that's always nagged at me.

No I think the scene where Mike comes to Saul asking for an adress on Jesse(the one where he threatens to break Saul's legs) makes it clear Saul has no idea. Later he complains to Walt about "my PI" threatening to break his legs.

Mike is his PI. He helped clean up Jesse's place after Jane died, planted bugs in Walt's house, and Saul also never had any idea he was working for Gus.

Or Saul's being dragged out to the desert by Walt and Jesse, or Walt dragged out to the desert by Gus. There were a lot of tense life and death conversations in the desert on BrBa

That's the guy Tuco beat to death for telling Walt and Jesse to remember who they were dealing with.

And the guy who voiced Vaas in Far Cry 3

Saul also represented Emilio(Krazy 8's cousin, and Jesse's partner)

I was assuming it was people leaving the courtroom altogether since when the prosecutor first pulls out the tape you see one kid stand up behind Saul and make a bee line for the door.

Fuck this whole city and everyone in it. From the row houses of Astoria to the penthouses on Park Avenue. From the projects in the Bronx to the lofts in Soho. From the tenements in Alphabet City to the brownstones in Park slope to the split levels in Staten Island. Let an earthquake crumble it. Let the fires rage. Let

From the makers of 5now Dog5
