Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

Same episode actually

I just want whatever gruesome end they come up with to be scored to Charlie's 'Paddy Pub' song(the Randy Newman-esque one.)

He's simply a person of interest in most of those cases.

Maybe Frank's suspicion about Bruce bangin baby dudes will be confirmed after all these years

They can make rash decisions based on fear

As you can see by my username/avatar, I don't fuck around when it comes to Always Sunny

I loved tonight's episode but thought the premiere was even better

Also Frank is kinda living his dream. He doesn't really have nearly the same delusional need to imagine himself as something other than what he is, like the rest of the gang does.

I think a lot of the music used is either public domain or super cheap easy listening music which has become so associated with the show in my mind it's really jarring hearing it in anything else

"What's this?"
"That's just a….a cock ring. That's a cock ring just from all my lovers."
"Oh. It's kinda small huh?"
"Well it's my dad's. So…."

Lush Life by Richard Price. Loving it so far.

Isn't there a slanket you should be filling with your farts?

Don't worry. You don't seem like a mysognitist. You just seem like someone with shitty taste in TV shows.

It was starting to get old but then when it panned over to Ilana crying at the beauty of the smoke rings I was back in

"Ok so I only brought the one ball and I didn't think you were gonna hit it that far soo…how bout we just call it 1 for 1. You're batting a thousand!

"Miss, how many beers are we allowed to order at once?"
"I'm not sure. No one has *ever* asked that before."
"Ok great, so there's no rule on that. Why don't you give me six then?"

"They have chicken in Philly?"

"Shut up dog!"

The 50's version or the John Carpenter remake?