Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

You left out how Jack then proceeds to whip a battery at Liz

"They killed Coolio!"
"Tracy, Coolio is still around"

Jack: Lemon why didn't you tell me the Black Crusaders were after Tracy?
*Jack sprints away*
Liz: Surprisingly fast

On paper it feels like such an obvious joke but Baldwin just kills it

I love the shot of the old woman flipping off the cars, especially since she's moving so fucking slow

Who taught Tracy about anagrams?! *Dot Com steps back and immediately points at Grizz*

I still love when Liz tries to talk up CC and Colleen just shuts her down: "My thanks to the peanut gallery."

"Colleen insists on flying on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor to, quote 'show the Emperor we're not afraid.'"

Not many of Jack's love interests have important arcs aside from Avery, and even she gets tossed out by the end.

"I always wanted to marry in spring, just as the petunias started to bloom."
"I'm sorry, Phoebe, what?"
"Just when the what?"
"Oh dear, is she hard of hearing?"
"No, no, no, no! I can hear you. I just wanted to make sure that YOU could hear you."

Wait so not only did they set off fireworks, but they set off a second round of fireworks at midnight even after people called the cops? NBC really knows how to not give a fuck.

"Hey I knew she was 18. She said her last boyfriend was Asian, and that crap doesn't start till college!"

Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance.

I also guessed Night but I don't feel that bad for Jared. He really just wasn't a strong enough competitor to play with that kind of strategy. Also I always thought he seemed really obnoxious.

Always thought the show would've been a lot better if it had cut out the whole convoluted conspiracy stuff. If it was just Michael trusting that Linc hadn't done it on faith it would've added some nice ambiguity and it could've just been the prison break in season 1 and then everyone on the run for season 2.

I'll tell you what I told the Post Master General when he suggested a Jerry Garcia stamp: If I wanted to lick a hippie I'd return Joan Baez's phone calls.

I went with Virginia thinking it was Jefferson so when Trebek mentioned an 'important purchase' I thought I had it in the bag. My roommate, an engineering student, randomly guessed Alaska. Apparently it's not enough that he have a promising career after graduation, he also has to beat me in FJ.

I said somewhere else in the thread how I could see why John missed that one. He was under some decent pressure to mount a comeback and it was only the 2nd time they had gone to that category since Ben bounced around the whole game. Still considering he had all that time since it was a DD I feel like he should've

Yeah Ben really dictated the tempo of the game. I'm excited to see how he does going forward.

In his defense he was under a lot of pressure. At that point he was pretty far behind and it was only the 2nd time they had gone into that category since Ben kept bouncing around. Plus it was a daily double. Easy to see how he could get flustered.