Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

He's probably still reeling from last Monday's game when the returning champ couldn't even compete in FJ since he was in the red and the fucking winner only got 5,000. Good god that was awful.

Also I just when back and looked at a full recap and realized when John guessed Robert Penn Warren for 'All the President's Men' he was thinking of 'All the King's Men.' Bad break, but I still feel like, of those two, 'All the President's Men' is more well known.

Yeah the NYT Politics category was insanely easy, especially compared to some of the others. Also my heart broke a little bit seeing John realize he was blowing his chance during the book to movie category when he got the DD and blew it on the Apocalypse Now clue.
*EDIT* I really felt bad for John after he missed

"She didn't even say 'Bye Lincoln.' That takes one more second! People have no phone etiquette these days."

Seriously I love Abbi and Ilana, but Hannibal kills every scene he's in. Even short-ass, throwaway scenes like when he meets up with Ilana, who's walking dogs for the day:…
Without even saying 'hey' to Ilana
"I'd do it. I'd pick up your poop. You're worth it." *Sees dog with it's back turned

Omar's trench coat. And Omar's double barrel shotgun. And his blue silk pajamas.

Monk's club from Gangs of New York. Or Priest Vallon's Celtic cross/sword. Or pretty much any weapon from that movie.

It's the fucking worst. My godfather, who I was never particularly close to, said something along the line's of "God must have a reason" to one of my cousins a couple days after their mother was hit and killed by a bus and it took every bit of self restraint I had not to snatch a wine bottle from the table and smash

Nicholson didn't believe what he did was wrong and resented the fact that he had to deny doing it. Not great motivation for him to confess but what do I know

I don't need your trophies, or your gold. I just wanna tell you all: GO FUCK YOURSELVES!


Very late but I think Johnny Sack sums it up pretty will: "Phil treats nickels like they're manhole covers."

There's a pause but she says "recently" without an ounce of shame.

Very late to the party but what the hell.

Not sure if anyone else has pointed this out but I like how the music used in the scene on the steps is also in The Untouchables.

Nope. Fargo won this past year and that ran for 10 episodes.

He's gonna give Tommy a real talking to once they meet up in Murderer Heaven.

I always thought you made love like an ugly girl. So present, so grateful.

Actually my favorite part of that bit is Alec Baldwin's perfect delivery of "Get the gun away from the dog!"

Just got my tickets. Luckily there's an IMAX 70 theater 20 minutes from my house. But I'm up at school so it's gonna be a three hour drive.