Agent Jack Bauer, junkyard cat

You know I've always thought if they wanted to class up those pageants they should include a song.

Cobwebs…clanking chains…the sound of clanking chains

Which would connect with one of the drunk grifters who robbed Nucky reminiscing about how she was almost chosen as one of Neptune's whatevers.(I'm too drunk to go back and look it up)

Gold: When the shit goes down, what do you want in the briefcase handcuffed to your arm?

One of my favorite moments in the whole show is the lifetime movie and Jack's horrified reaction:
"Hey honey have you seen my gun?"
"Last time I saw it…the dog had it."

She said that she was rich and spoiled("uppity" I think was the word) and that if you are that kinda person and marry a cheating asshole you gotta be ready for the consequences

I had found out that she framed him but thought that was the whole thing. Very glad when that came to light halfway through and realized there was a lot of plot that hadn't been spoiled.

Why do people go to movies for first dates? I never got the thought process of: "I wanna get to know this person. Let's go sit in the dark for two hours and not talk."

Obviously the entire score is incredible but the one part that really comes to mind now(I saw it a few hours ago) is the music when Amy kills NPH.

For the first few moments I thought the projectionist had fucked up somehow and was playing the movie sped up.

Used to?

I got Clay Aiken and Todd Akin confused for a second and thought Todd Akin was just shouting gibberish about American Idol

Well they're certainly grasping at something…

I definitely see Will and Gillian playing significant roles in Nucky's downfall. Gillian writing down memories won't be good for Nucky and Will seemed far more earnest when saying he wanted to go after criminals than at his lunch with Nucky where he seemed kinda evasive.

Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves chant from Rhymin and Stealin by The Beastie Boys

That would make sense since one guy with a machete is a real gamble on whether or not he'll get the job done as opposed to a few gunmen which is a much safer bet. Makes more sense that it was organized on the fly.

I know that Luciano has been referred to as Lucky since the first season but I don't think Siegel has been referred to as Bugsy yet. I can only remember Lansky calling him Benny

Haha no problem. I only remember because Peg of Old is one of my favorite episodes and one of the few I'll rewatch just on its own. Always was fascinated by how Jimmy orchestrated the whole situation so he could kill those 2 guys for, at least to me, no reason. Regardless of his flaws that boy always had quite the

Even could've transitioned with a shot of change or something similar falling out of his hand and as it hits the floor cut to the opening shot of the gold coins splashing into the ocean