
$10K? Try $1,000. Y'all a bunch of stingy so-and-sos. And just to be clear, I always try to choose candidates that are interesting or notable in one way or another, rather than just by price.

You can have my brake pedal when you pry it from my cold, dead foot! Oh wait this doesn't work the same as the second amendment. (also I was gonna find some image of a severed foot that'd be appropriate but uh... don't image search something like that.)

Um no, just incorporate some of this:

Either make it small again or rename it Maxi.

Cadillac ATS

The Fiat 500 Abarth. It looks awesome, sounds like an angel gargling gravel, and drives the trousers off of most cars in its class. America? Meh.

Any new Volvo. Curse buyers and their understanding of depreciation.



First came the end of the manual option. Then came the turbos and fake engine notes. Then they went after RWD. Soon they will make it all-electric. Not long after it will drive itself.

R.I.P. Ultimate Driving Machine

Dropped the V10, now they'll drop the V8, add some turbos, save a little weight—and sneak in AWD.

I like how the second video says they are professional drivers who do not condone street racing, and then show two "professional" idiots street racing.....

I laughed at the "professional drivers" disclaimer. Yeah, ok man.

What do we think, lame crossover with nothing in common with the original Montero?

That's what Nissan did with the poor Pathfinder.