
So much for AMG being a V8 company.

That’s a quality review. Photos look amazing. Keep up the great work!

“The nuclear triad is HUGE. The nuclear triad doesn’t win anymore. We’re going to make the nuclear triad great again”

The previous gen was defacto choice for middle aged Americans with money and no imagination, and I have no doubt that this will continue to be the 2 ton metal uniform for real estate agents everywhere, but you have to admit, this one looks pretty good.

That was attempted vehicular homicide. Guy deserves some serious time.

sounds like some bitch shit. Drake would be proud

If you people have to take these things so personally then...

That car is my djam

Either got to be a Diesel (economy), a Wagon (practicality), or an AMG (POWER)

28K? That guy is clownin

I’m still a beginner but I’d say: fully value your life.

This is just like a Wrangler. They should figure out a way to sell it in the US.

Have to keep the dream alive.

The V8 from the R8, same as the B7 RS4, is well known to be a high revving gem of an engine. Not that I’ve driven one or could afford one, but I think the smart money was on the V8 R8 manual.

“I’m a real race car! Stop saying I’m not!”

BMW and McLaren are sharing paint colors I see. Gross

which anime is this?