
It’s Mansory, not Masonry. Also, that is a disgrace.

can anyone confirm or deny the blow dryer/dry ice dent trick?

plaid seats + stick = respect


Or get the Sedona. Seriously the best looking mini-van on sale today.

I’d keep the stock exhaust. Always thought the CBR’s looks slick

No, but I doubt it will be anything more than a model. And besides all of that, will they produce any? The Atom is a production car. We’ll have to wait and see.

It’s a computer generated concept, so saying it’s “here to slay the Ariel Atom” is using the word “here” very liberally.

wretched bastard son of a wagon, begone

It’s like a tall Flying Spur. No surprises. No excitement. They will sell loads.

not gonna even go there today

this one is all about the ladies.

who do you think you are? Patrick George?

HD quality over BMW quality?? I dunno man, I think BMW puts plenty of thought into their forms, what their riders want, etc.

SMH that reporter should check out the Great Falls Cars and Coffee sometime. Lots of people, young/old, men/women, old cars, new cars, fast cars, slow cars. Car culture is very alive in the DC area. The Washington Post can bugger off.