
It’s not less important to the community, but it is to the businesses. Would you work on a cable news channel for free? The money has to come from somewhere. There isn’t anything ideological about that. It’s just the reality of a non-socialistic society.

It’s a niche car so of course sales will be low but Chevy must have known that.

ZZ isn’t essential in understanding UC, in my opinion. I watched it for completion but it’s one of the worse series.

The thing with CCA is that they throw you into the story without much background or an attempt to explain what’s happened sinze Z/ZZ, so it kinda leaves it up to the viewer to rationalize his change in mindset.

Some fans regard most of the Universal Century series as skippable, because the vast majority of series and movies in the timeline are from the 1980s and appear dated.

Turn A is up there for me with Zeta and Victory.

worst wheels ever

yet another preventable tragedy

It’s no more of an eyesore than a car in a driveway or a boat or an RV or a trailer or whatever.

Go for the mini-minivan. That’s what I’d have.

Anything but the same old tired gags. Cheap car challenges, international specials/trips, serious car review/comparisons. Not asking too much. Just make it feel fresh.

I’ve never understood why the stick on an auto has to be so tall... it’s not like you need the leverage or will be using it a lot/need it close to the wheel. Make it small! Otherwise, spectacular interior

found a couple of apple cores under my ma’s Z3... gross

the better to keep it in the powerband my dear

I think you have him figured out.

Because he says he’s a Christian.

I like to defend people under attack, but some people are indefensible. In the last few weeks he’s called Mexicans rapists and murderers, gave out Lindsay Graham’s private cell number, questioned John McCain’s efforts for veterans and his own military service, said he would be a better military commander than Gen.

I guess your other mechanical adviser is this man:

that’s seriously fucked up. best of luck Anthony

I guess Lamborghini customers and, therefore, Lamborghini aren’t much into subtlety these days. The Asterion and Estoque were some of the coolest concepts I’ve ever seen. Such a shame.