Are you taking the piss? The dash is curved; head on, the hole is a circle
Are you taking the piss? The dash is curved; head on, the hole is a circle
deep breaths... that way you can swear really loudly
Bolivia Special
Neutral: The occupants should be the priority, but what kind of shitty person would veer into a crowd in order to save themselves? Are we going to use auto-cars to wash the blood off our hands? No. Prioritize the occupants safety but if that comes at the expense of others that’s not acceptable.
oh he didn’t suddenly become a real estate agent?
Better looking than the 4-door. Unfortunately it won’t stop people from buying the Countryman.
I understand that people driving stick can also lack skill and restraint, but perhaps people that know how to drive manual are more likely to have some basic level of driving skill?
It’s a good job he had his tire pressures right or this could have been disastrous...
I abhor the idea of fast SUVs, but this is ok only because it will serve as an FU to the BMW X5/6. F them.