
Better looking than the 4-door. Unfortunately it won’t stop people from buying the Countryman.

keying cars is wrong

I understand that people driving stick can also lack skill and restraint, but perhaps people that know how to drive manual are more likely to have some basic level of driving skill?

It’s a good job he had his tire pressures right or this could have been disastrous...

I abhor the idea of fast SUVs, but this is ok only because it will serve as an FU to the BMW X5/6. F them.

This is amazing

Will it have a manual transmission? Is it coming to the US? How much will it cost?

the truth hurts. pass the ointment

Our 02 Land Cruiser was pretty awful too. 13-14 highway mpg.

If you told me it was painted by Mansory, I would have believed you. That’s all there is to say.

The SafeTREC study, led by Dr. Thomas Rice and his team, also found that riders who split lanes “were very infrequently rear-ended by other motorists” (less than 5 percent) and compared to non-lane-splitting riders were 2 percent less likely to be hit from behind.

Neutral: How Can Alfa Romeo Make It In America?

looks more like the X5 which is fine. As long as there isn’t an X1M. There’s enough tragedy in the world already.

I guess it looks good if you’re into contemporary light-novels, but I just can’t get down with this aesthetic or animation at all.

A. 120

They can come off and get stuck under or between the pedals.

dat live axle

pouring a pint