
It’s not like Kate has a “Monday dress” and “Monday through Friday Work Shoes” like some people I could name. (Me.)

My name is unusual, and only one other person shares it. She emigrated from Sweden about 110 years ago. (I saw her name on a boat manifest headed to Ellis Island.) There’s no connection, either familiar or geographical, so I like to think I’m a time traveler.

xoJane should be publishing apologize for 99% of their recent articles.

Love it! My mom’s entire family is in that area. As kids, my brother and boycotted the Morikami for a couple years because they took us there so often. Also, the butterfly musuem. LOL.

Yamato? Are you anywhere near the Morikami Museum?

Every time I visit family in Florida we hear about a great New York-style bagel that’s “just as good as the real thing.” No. It is not. Don’t even with that.

Get outta my dreams...get into my overhead luggage compartment.

Personal opinion: Scrapple is SO MUCH worse than Pork Roll.

Yeah. I love NJ, I live there...but nooooo thank you to pork roll.

#TaylorHam4Life #ThatsHowIPorkRoll

Yes, she’s large chested, but she was also fully covered up. What did her employers want her to do — put her breasts away while she was on the job?*

*Which is not a thing. They don’t detach. If they did, I’d have taken off my giant chesticles a LONG time ago.

I’d love if my boyfriend started using my products, but he’s a shampoo/bar soap kinda guy. Although I have convinced him to wear shirts in jewel tones because they look great on him (so long, navy/hunter green!), so that’s something.

I’m a Jason Mantzoukas fan and was pleasantly surprised — after normally listening to his zaniness on HDTGM and CBB — to find he was very level-headed and adult about everything. Gave great advice. It also fed right into my already giant crush.

My favorite Facebook comment on his status was:

Yeah, no part of this makes any sense whatsoever.

Also, 51 bananas a day is 357 bananas per week. She’s basically denying other normal banana-eating people of buying any at her local market. LOL.

I love tacos, and yet the idea of eating one every 20 minutes is unfathomable. Her insulin levels, her bowels...those bananas can’t be kind to her body.

If she sleeps about 8 hours per night, that leaves 16 hours to eat all those bananas. Which means she’s eating one banana every 20 minutes. That is...unappetizing.

I wished my FBB a happy teacher’s appreciation day, told her how amazing she is (which is true)...and she messaged back that I was the only one to acknowledge it! I felt terrible. You’d think schools would do *something*??

I got one too. I was going to donate anyway, but this just motivated me to actually do it now.