
Well ain’t that some shit. So Moss, Moss 2, Superhot VR, Beat Saber etc. Iron Man, Astro Bot Rescue Mission, WIPEOUT OMEGA COLLECTION, all of these games are left behind to frustrating aging hardware with a complicated setup that you can only get an adapter for PS5 for IF the website to ask for one decides to not have

If you are going to call yourself a journalist, please do more research.

There have been rumors swirling about him for years.

Certainly, if cops aren’t trained to deescalate situations outside of crime (i.e mental crises), it’s doubtful they know how to handle children.

So it’s just been a variation of tartar sauce this whole time?

I’m on Oahu [in states now visiting kids/grand/greatgrand etc...]. Not too bad to ship back from the Big Island for me - tow ship ~$800. $1500 parts and labor for the transmission. Remove phoney decals. Recover driver seat. Say $750 for that. An automatic on Oahu is fine - choking traffic if you’re involved in

I might be wrong, but I don’t think you get to decide if you’re racist or not. Others will make that call based on your actions and words.

You know what it has over EV6 and Ioniq in particular? Not dealing with those fucking asswipes at the Kia/Hyundai dealers and the stupid markups. I was looking at EV6 and Ioniq and the first dealer I got a quote from had a $2,500 markup listed on their site. The dealer called me and said the markup was actually

Looks like the pipes are still connected but sliding on the ground.

If you look closely at the last frames of that video, the load is gone. Not sure where it ended up as there’s a ton of dust flying around, but probably on the divider.

Modern conservatives’ motto should be “Small Government For Me But Not For Thee.”

The typical home value of homes in Oklahoma City is $185,733"

...I am all for transparency in the name of public health, but perhaps some things should not be known to man. good lord. 

So sad to learn of this. I just lost my sister after her fight with cancer and I feel her family’s pain.

Please tell me where anyone here said “black people can’t be racist”?.. ANYONE and EVERYONE can be racist.. the main issue most people on these forums is, a black person’s racism really doesn’t mean much..

If say “Jim” down the street is a racist prick and hates all white people .. He has almost no power/influence to

Dude must be flush with money. Cruise ships are not cheap. Though it would be interesting to calculate all your living expenses and then check against cruise pricing.

I know the OG GRID had a Le Mans race once per career season, that was 24 minutes long.

At the very least, BLM is sunk as a platform for fundraising. The average donation size has been around $30. So now those in charge have betrayed the millions of everyday people who entrusted them to do something good with their money, and corporations were just told to pound sand because their intentions aren’t pure

I work at a non-profit. This:

I have found since taking collagen supplements my nails grow faster, not sure if its a product of actually paying attention or not, but its something I am aware of. That being said collagen is clearly over priced and overhyped from its practical standpoint. If you’re spending a 2x multiple on collagen as opposed to