1) Samoas
1) Samoas
I dunno. I find myself to be allergic... to FL.
Man... errbody got covid. Schools in my town reopened for two days before the Omicron wave swept through.
There are some legit places that offer good discounts, typically on refurbished and open-box stuff.
Getting tired of the “but the holiday season” nonsense. Fuck the retail suckfest that is Christmas. Do what my family did years ago once all the kids were grown. Nobody buys anything for anybody. We all HAVE everything already. I haven’t bought a Christmas present in 25 years. We get together for food and good cheer,…
It’s amazing that something so delicious can come from what’s basically bee barf.
So a lot more boring version of the very metal/grater grille on the Aston Martin DBS GT Zagato
Came here to say this. That might possibly be the dumbest reason I can think of to get rid of a car you “Loved” and now own and have no trouble with. “I’ll teach those people at Carvana! I’ll sell my car after they already took my money and don’t give a shit anymore!”
“I loved the car, but I hated the experience so much I didn’t want it anymore,”
I hope she can get back to enjoyment.
I’ve never had any tow truck of any type take less than 30 minutes. Do you think they have a giant fleet with drivers on standby? The person generally has to go get the tow truck and then go to the seen.
The best tables are a single sheet (a 4'x8' is about 850 lbs). The table we had was three pieces, roughly 280lbs each. It was an enormous pain in the ass and we didnt have any stairs to maneuver. I cannot imagine installing in an attic. I sure as shit would not want to have that above a bedroom.
Don’t pool tables have a giant sheet of slate? I can barely think of something in my home more difficult to safely get into my attic. Major appliances, the couch? That’s about it. And even those could, theoretically, be disassembled. I could disassemble my car and get all of the pieces into the attic more easily than…
Yeah, if your ex is benign and you generally parted amicably, then given some thought to if/how you respond and the stuff above might be helpful. But with toxic people noooooooope. Toxic people are like grease fires. The only way to stop them is to starve them of oxygen. This means no response. Ever. Block them and…
You *can* move a pool table in the pieces its broken down to, but as someone who did this in college thinking it would be a GREAT idea... it was an enormous bitch.
Where’s the lifehack about how to get a pool table into your shitty attic? AND a fireplace. C’mon, if you can do all this you have enough money to buy a house with a billiard room. Where you will find Colonel Mustard.
On behalf of parents everywhere whose kids just left their crap behind for them to deal with, fuck that guy.
I’m pretty sure she chose to complain about “Tigger” so she could say 83.3% of the n-word to a black person and get away with it.