
haha. i feel like that. the elements of the universe has brow beaten me into submission. now that i am in my 50's, i know that even when changing oil to tread warily and not fight it when whatever out of left field comes.

hey i was going to ask if driving at night is better? how is the lighting? and are there animals to worry about?

hey!! it’s invisible car related. total jalopnik territory.

i drive a semi back and forth from columbus to indy every night and for a year i’ve been seeing keith sweat’s promo on the ‘rose music center’s’ marquee. when i first saw it last year, my mind took me back to when i first heard him on my friend’s brand new cd player. i was new to being high and when his music dropped

i have birds that use my gutters for a hangout, knowing that makes me leery about water collection for drinking. is there another way to collect a good amount of rain?

how will it perform for someone who does not know the story? 

haha oh my God...this is awesome.

i missed the 928 in risky business. i saw it in a 1980 bruce dern movie called ‘middle age crazy’ and absolutely fell in love with this car. i am not sure why i was watching that movie as a preteen but i remembered the 928 and i am quite sure it was the first car i fell for.

no the peak asshole move is to allow free parking to an obvious wealthier demographic. phuck that. 

haha oh my God. perfect reply!

imagine someone mistaking the gas pedal for the brake...yikes!

i was not expecting to hear this and it makes me sad

these are exceptional cops. no guns drawn.

i don’t know people. i am thinking that she should not have shared anything and kept her extra space secret.

right. he will have lots of free time to schedule his court dates for: traffic, medical board, and his patient’s lawsuit

Didn’t we all know this dude was like this. I mean, he just looked the part. Uncanny!!

wow. i can’t wait till 2 am! this sounds really good.

oh man, i was going to say something about that one. i would LOVE to have that if i had discretionary monies!

in order for that employee to know that “old bylaw” it had to easily known by everyone. even a f’ng board member who oversees the business:

ok. i thought it was just something i was too stupid to figure out. ( i am probably still stupid ) so, it’s really not being posted here anymore? after working and not getting much sleep during the week, that was my saturday morning cartoon.