
oh my God, can you imagine if he would have put a kid in the car while he scraped the windows!!!!!!

haha no, the two doses together lasts 35 days. at least that’s what i read in the article. unless i missed something like i normally do. so..2 shots a month for over 200 million people in the U.S. alone for how long? and something else to add to this fleeting unicorn of a vaccine, it needs to be stored at minus 80

haha. thank you for this article. i am fed up with my Fantastic 4's Thing feet. Especially after i contracted cellulitis in my right foot. it swelled to the size of a football and stayed that way for two weeks. (i told my wife that i was seriously considering amputation)

haha. thank you for this article. i am fed up with my Fantastic 4's Thing feet. Especially after i contracted

well crap. i see someone in japan has been using my subscription. changing passwords is going to suck

wow. thanks for that. I’ve used office for years but had to give it up because i lost my office 2000 disk and i was NOT buying another program.

yeah. you’d think that something would click on in his head...

i was thinking ‘What the hell!’ who in their right mind would want anything but reese’s?

i hope he keeps it together.

i don’t know. i like the thought of using familiarity as a building block of subversive actions. it’s part of the only secular philosophy i adhere to: The Chi of Piglet.

i could not imagine riding in a car for that long without music because of one person. controlling and soulless.

haha that last part.

minivan death cult

you should have written more about hauling cars in a boat and the way of life while doing it in your comment. some of us would find experiences like yours very interesting to read about.

haha. i had to hard swallow my drink before i spat it out when i read that.

haha. nom...nom...nom

A recent study published in Scientific Reports suggests modern diesel particle filter (DPF) and catalyst-equipped diesel cars can emit less pollution than gasoline-run cars.” -quote from an article by Sarah Simonovich 2017

happy happy happy.

if you take your mouse pointer and move it along the video track, you’ll see the sun quiet down. A-freaking-MAZING!

yeah, exactly! while i was listening to the whole article with google’s text speech, i was adding up the years after the signing of the declaration to the pronouncement of the end of slavery...87 years. for almost a hundred years hypocrites were praising their freedom from being taxed and ruled without representation

okay. this may be a noob question but, how do hub motors perform in the elements. like large potholes with water, slushie snow mixed with copious amounts of salt, mudding...?