
that’s funny. i was just thinking about that same thing when i saw an article about the 50th anniversary of woodstock. they talked so much of changing the world when they did nothing but revert back to the ways of their parents.

if you put a hot dog in between two sliced pickles, is it a sandwich?

i don’t know about that. i have driven 3 drive a freightliner cascadias (2) 2015 and a 2018. all three were made in mexico. all three have had multiple issues that a new truck should not have : leaks, transmission quirks, various electrical weirdness. the 2018 kept turning off randomly, the door latch malfunctioned so

I never considered removing the human element from their thought process.

My wife told me that she wanted to book a cruise for my birthday, I immediately looked at Cuba. I am so disheartened by this administration’s tactics. Soon, Americans will be treated as pariahs everywhere we travel.

I can’t understand this right now. It’s 3 a.m. and my mind is tripping over this.

hahaha! ammosexuals!!! thank you.

They should care for the source material in everything they lift from creators. Especially when the movie mill writers can’t come up with something original. It’s like they chop and paste the material to make it fit the guidelines of :cost, time and audience intelligence.

Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. It’s not called that anymore.

That last part reminded me: Many years ago I had a friend pop by one morning wanting to share some stank weed that he had just purchased. I kept telling him that I had a job interview and that he should continue with his delivery schedule since he was still at work, but of course his persuasiveness got me.

yeah i was thinking that same thing.

i was looking at that, i don’t get it. playing pitt, miami then pitt again? and cinci, two games then cinci. maybe i don’t get how hard it is to schedule games but that doesn’t seem right.

If it was just Rupert running the show, his age would buoy my hope for a turn around when he slips this mortal coil soon. But his son, Lachlan Keith Murdoch is running things and he’s a freaking down under ultra right winger. Unfortunately, the divide will get nastier and deadlier.

Thank you sharing your response because my youthful years nearly paralleled yours! Except I was starkly alone. It was brutal in 1980's southern W.Va. listening to and enjoying the sex pistols, the ramones, sisters of mercy, dead can dance...etc. My black classmates called me a zebra jellyroll (i was a little chubby)

After reading the title I laughed. They’re not even trying to hold themselves in check anymore.

So...the ones who shoot unarmed people, steal, intimidate and lie get suspended with pay, desk duty or demoted. I wonder if any other black woman or man will get that position ever again.

Gotcha, thanks! I will watch what they plug in next time.

Yeah. I just found out Sunday while grocery shopping. Roofing guys were using my outlet when I got a call from their boss who was in another city asking if I was home. After telling him no, he said that the compressor his guys were using had shut off and would not turn back on. I told him the outlet was a gfi and he

Good heads up article. My friend just moved to the greater Miami area from California. She needed a place to stay while searching for an apartment, so she did an Airbnb rental. Things went south when she got stuck in the property’s clubhouse, not able to get out of the pool area without a key card. She was grilled on

that’s disturbing!