

i love this channel. 

yes. when i saw the pictures, i was like, “@#$@@...i will never in my life pull that off. absolutely beautiful.”

i thank God that me or my son had not walked down the street while he was in that state. 

rednecks unite!

boo hoo. it’s .04 for professional drivers. yeah it sucks going to see live music or hanging out at clubs but...drink some water and walk it off. every thing will be fine.

why did you put a link here. curiosity will over power me. i will have to go. i am forced to look for truth and meaning.

haha. that was a brilliant story.

oh man! I was watching that clip with my wife and she said, “he gives me the freaking creeps. what is it about him?”

haha. i thought almost the same thing...”someone got released and went drinking again after he hit a cop? what the hell!”

Yeah, I feel you guys on this. I had to limit my game play.

They are going to go to a big country artist. I’m taking bets...I’ll even throw out the first  guess: Jason Aldean

I am a born again believer and I feel that it’s my duty to state: “that picture freaking bonkers.” haha


it’s not teens. it’s the FDA head scott gottlieb. he’s like a freaking drug czar maniac going after everything but the opiod companies who are actually dealing out death.

this all day long. 

That freaks me out. Any rain, snow or mud would seriously limit a person’s visual’s. It’s not safe for a professional driver and as horrible as some truckers are at backing up, haha, there will be many insurance claims and pissed off stationary objects.

i would imagine the ELD is integrated. wouldn’t be a big deal.

my wife bought some home one day and it was almost gone in one week. i had to fess up; everything i ate was coated with this.

I had no idea of this intense hatred of the messianic Jewish identity. As a christian, I find that the messianic perspective introduces me to the breathtaking depth of the Tanakh. Currently, I am reading it more than the new testament.