
carry a doggie poo bag with you and pick your shit up.

i saw that same sentence and had to re-read it. this is why violent law enforcement ‘perps’ are so wily and slippery when it comes to penning them down. my trust in the law is like a fleeting shadow.

Now playing

i was wondering about the sound also and found this link on the listing:

haha. i think the moment it was made public that he was getting Kurt’s guitar, everyone was planning his demise.

haha yes. that would awesome. they could put images of other black dads in his place like: Bernie Mack, Terry Crews or John Amos.

i drive a semi for a living and frequently have dreams concerning my job. this is a recurring nightmare. i wake up panting during the dream and thank God that it wasn’t real. how can a person turn off their self-preservation hind brain. if something goes sideways, they are watching it happen with no recourse.

yeah. that’s my only issue with it also! you have to be quick and plan your vacuum route.

yeah. that’s my only issue with it also! you have to be quick and plan your vacuum route.

I am sorry. I know that women have to take it to another level of hyper-awareness in this current mess of a world but...

I am sorry. I know that women have to take it to another level of hyper-awareness in this current mess of a world but...

hopefully they take the cars and youtube profits. i wish he would’ve had a judge with some imagination.

my wife, son and I were talking about that phrase the other week and how F’ed up it was. it’s taken me 45 years for it click. like a final piece of a puzzle clicking in place...sigh...

ah yes! American Gods excellent book!

you’re right and even more, there aren’t any crash devices on it. i mean even after a deadly wreck. Cali is actively weeding out inattentive drivers.

i hear you. i guess i am the opposite since i am stuck in a truck 13 hours a day so i look for serialized audio books to keep me grounded in one fictional world for a few weeks. also it’s painful to wait for the seasons to roll out. i remember watching battlestar galactica on netflix and almost wasting away in sleep

hey! you don’t have to read books anymore. you can listen to them and be just as smart.

haha no shame!

did you start luke cage?

ok. i have to think about this rationally before i go off the deep end. maybe they’ll offer it once season one is in the bag...?

it’s talked about on gizmodo but yeah not much if any on this site tho. i don’t watch much t.v. but i have been hearing good things about it. since i keep graveyard shift hours, things that i cannot find on netflix, hulu or amazon kinda of get pushed aside. after you mentioned it, i tried looking it up to see if the

haha yes. i still use that with my sis