
oh noooo!!! it’s been on the back burner of my mind for so long. my son and i were looking forward to it. this sucks.

ahh...i miss my Motorola razor that died a couple of years ago. KEEP REPRESENTING MY MAN DAY LEWIS!!!

haha. i was thinking that also. sit at the computer for a while play some games, poop, shower and sleep then get up for work , come home sit at the computer for a while play some games, poop, shower and sleep... 

you totally have my thoughts on it!! haha!! but i did not want to sound too paranoid

you’re right. it has to be a script everyone is following. do everything you can to know what, i just thought of this. it’s like every agency under trump (except the one’s that will be profitable for his ilk) is a jenga puzzle. they are removing certain pieces to see if it will collapse under its own

i know!! i was like,’was this on the news? where the hell have i been?’

I know my pet is in the same class but different order and family than the sea turtle but, we raised a spur thigh tortoise from fitting on three fingers to wheeling her around in a wagon. She got out of the yard one day and we freaked out. As we were living in the city, we just assumed the she would be easy to find

i wish you would have recorded and posted that sequence with the dynamite and plane!

hey! they videos are unavailable. did i come to the party too late again?

this story reminded me that i contacted Teewinot Life Sciences Corporation about a year ago to see if it’s possible to develop a supplement that masks THC metabolites in urine. i still have not heard anything from them to see if it’s even possible to do it but i am hoping. GO SCIENCE!!

thanks for that fight video accompanied with circus music. i needed that laugh today!

um...he got away with it. only because he probably had a big, braggy mouth he got caught.

do you think the brake fail is a racing thing? like it needed an upgrade? because is seems weird after 4 laps it started to fail. that seems quick to me. i am not a racing person though just wondering.

i was watching the news when they played a piece about a gallery opening for all of america’s 1st ladies. mrs. laura bush was presented in the piece and throughout all of the camera sweeps, none landed on mrs. michele obama. none. i watched very closely then, right after the spot the next story was about that little

i think that you are brilliant! what was the total cost so far? and would you ever consider electrifying a pontiac fiero? holy crap, that would cause all the planets to align!

these people have entrenched themselves in our neighborhoods. they are FUCKING terrorist who care for nothing but money and getting stuff. no life is sacred, not even their own.

this debate is weird and it explains so much about the “making the bed squabbles” my wife and i have. for 21 years i never understood why she used a fitted sheet, a flat sheet and then comforter. i could not understand why she would go through the extra step of putting a flat sheet on the bed and be annoyed with me

yes. it’s been screwing up my browsing on this site for weeks. like i freaking have dial up. once you put an ad blocker on, all the collection of gizmodo sites bug you to whitelist so they can get paid.

you should start listening to audio books. i am sure you can download them free from your library. trust me, it helps.

why is there a monthly charge after an app has been created? i am thinking about this along the lines of; i use a program to create something. i create it. i no longer use that why am i still paying?