oh man. i hated playing dbz with my 9 year old son. he would wipe the floor with me repeatedly. i am so pissed at him for making me suck. i can’t even play against anyone anymore. the kid traumatized me.
oh man. i hated playing dbz with my 9 year old son. he would wipe the floor with me repeatedly. i am so pissed at him for making me suck. i can’t even play against anyone anymore. the kid traumatized me.
if you think that you are superior than an “uninformed voter” then, yes. if you think that your high intellectual grasp in specific academic areas makes you superior to another then, yes. if your earnings from said training propels you to a higher tax bracket but lowers compassion and empathy, yes, you are an elite.…
i don’t get why honda hardly gave the U.S. the choices in these coupe models over the years, unless of course i have been blind. i admit, my knowledge of the type r badge is limited, but damn, these cars look fun.
some restaurants i’ve worked at in the past used to give cops free coffee or food just to have their presence around. seems a good trade to me too.
i’ve been dealing with the restriction of a .04 BAC limit since holding a cdl. i’m not a drinker so it does not bother me much but once, while out with my wife, i had to really think twice about trying an interesting cocktail. i just could not risk my job because i did not know how long the drink would be present in…
haha. i had a teal 1994 hyundai exel. i walked down the line of 20 or so and said that one. the salesman asked me ‘you want that one?’ i guess he did not know big black guys like teal cars too. i named it shirley.
i hung with a group of people back in the early 90's, who would go search rooms in ohio state university’s student union and various other buildings to host bible studies. none of us were students.
i know how you feel. i am a semi driver and i hear many people around me saying that they can’t wait to grab a beer after work and relax...i am so sick of it. drunks get away with murdering people (well ok, they don’t get away with it. I’m being overly dramatic but..) i can’t toke or ingest after work for fear that i…
haha. that phrase will be added to my lifetime lexicon
yes. i first fell in love with her work in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. That movie is my favorite rendition of that play.
Max and Kyle had an appearance on the sitcom half and half. They were engaged. Max had her own law firm and Kyle quit wall street to become an actor, haha it was a good episode.
i have a question, what mm lens is normally recommended? i realize in the article it was stated that an iphone was used, but when i think of venturing out, i never know what lens to take.
haha. i am glad they lost. may the bengals ghost forever ruin their play.
i hate living in ohio and being a truck driver...
these messages are talking about KILLING people and they get a 10 page essay as a punishment!!!?? am i missing something? even if they weren’t planning to do it on school property, i am sure if an opportunity came up, what’s to say there wasn’t going to be a follow through somewhere else in town.
hahaha yes this all the way from my horrible childhood!!!! “...delivery system for Satan’s backwashed phlegm.”
haha yes. i was looking through the comments before i posted.
no food or goods for you
haha i saw that word and had to look it up. i never saw it before, then immediately noticed that it wasn’t used properly. i learned a new word tho...