
Exactly, so you’re just gonna hate him, even if he apologized, so why even bother with you? You just want to hate because you can hate haha. Yes, you’re a much better human. Much better.

No, because that’s extremely illegal and not a sport. Second, glad that heroin addiction is a pretty funny joke to you. My brother nearly died from heroin addiction. So guess what buddy? Fuck yourself.

God damn it. I hated this truck when you first got it. But, ya son of a bitch, ya did it again. I fucking love this.

Your opinion literally means nothing. To them? It’s not “no reason.”

Absolutely not. I don’t know why people keep saying this. They are AWARE of the extreme hazard coming into this race. They race these roads at 180mph because they DESIRE that rush. Just because people don’t like to see people dying doesn’t mean you should take away this rite of passage for some riders.

Garland, I always agree with you. Shame on the people who say this looks good. This does not look good. It will never look good. This looks terrible.

Because he wanted to? Because it’s his build? Because it’s his car? Because your opinion doesn’t matter? Because 350 SBC are awesome and cheap? Because this car isn’t anything special?

This is no where near worth 6k. Not even remotely. 3 tops or I’d walk.

The 2.8 from Saab sounds pretty neat with an exhaust.

Hahaha, Hawkhawk. I like it.

Holy fucking crap that boat must MOOOOOOVE

Are those mills able to be modded at all? Like has anyone tried to pump some power out of ‘em? I know literally nothing about that engine. I do know about the 4L60 though...

That interior is tits as fuck. I want it. NP

Was it the but fuck me part?!?!? I NEED TO KNOW.

“They won’t hire him so now it’s racism.”

I built like three jokes in my head off your statement. I almost wanna know which one you were gonna go with haha. Lay it on me broski!

I hate Mustangs, but fuck me this car is beautiful.

And for a black dude, that was some SERIOUSLY racist bullshit you just spewed out.

LMAO I ain’t scared of shit. And it’s hilarious you think we’re all afraid of something. It’s actually pretty damn laughable. What should I have to be afraid of?

Fuck this article. This is ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL SPECULATION. There is not ONE BIT of true info in your article outside of your guessing. You’re sending people into a rage over this crap. Please stop that crap.