
Fair enough! I get what you mean about safe, but a lot of people out there want that TT race cancelled because it’s offends their delicate sensibilities. Some riders literally treat this race as the race of all races. They train their entire life for a chance to win this race..and to have it taken from them because

He would have no humour to him what-so-ever. I’m all set on that.

All that money and he only made 470hp.

There was such a huge lack of information in that first gear that I can’t even remotely take it seriously.

No way around this - this is a good deal haha. Seriously. I wouldn’t usually say this for a 2nd hand 5 series, but this is actually a very decent price.

Why make it safer? They ELECT to do this.

Not gonna lie, this is savage as fuck. I don’t really have any other words for that other than savage.

So what the fuck do you guys want to have happen!??!?!

700,000 fucking dollars to operate a cab?! Who the fuck!? Who gets paid that money?

I fucking hate Fords. I also really don’t like these Rocket Bunny style mods..

I feel like I could never be attracted to a Porsche. Just not my type of car I suppose.

How did he STILL flip over? Like bro, just go straight.

That CGI is just horrid.

Does anyone else feel bad? Like you see that little bug trying it’s heart out to get over those little bumps and then the big bad guy comes in and fucking smashes him in his innocent face.

Uhh good as time as any in my book. Why suddenly praise the man in death when he was a complete fucking cunt in life? Death does not mutually mean you deserve respect.

I don’t hate Tesla as much as I hate Elon. The dude just straight creeps me out.

“I RETURN PEASANTS!!! What happened in my Kingdom? What got hurt? Did they break the machine? No? Good. Naw don’t worry about the labourer. They can be replaced.”

Jesus christ I really can’t stop laughing. This gif is too rich.

it’s only 3200 pounds. That’s not bad.

Holy shit are you serious?!?! That’s NUTS!