
I’d like to start a gofundme campaign to raise money for daily full page ads in the NY Times and WaPo that simply state:

Weird that if HC orchestrated “millions” of illegal votes, she had them recorded in states where they could do her no good.

It really, really, reeeeeaaaaally bugs him that he failed to win the popular vote.

I feel so happy knowing that the loss of the popular vote is really getting under his skin and driving him to Twitter meltdowns. The Dems need to spend the next four years reminding him, and the rest of the Republican Party, of this fact.

The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.

I never would have predicted that I would be praying for Mitt Romney to hold a position of power. Please! He’s an adult who can conduct himself in an appropriate manner! He has some intelligence and occasionally listens to experts! How low the bar has sunk.

It just goes to show how emotionally fragile he is. The FACT that he will lose the popular vote by more than 2 million votes really gets beneath his skin, because he wants to pretend that the entire country adores him. All he is doing is telegraphing his weakness. I think we should all take every opportunity to

2016 can go to a very special level of Hell. A level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater.

Oh, not this again. The Next Generation doesn’t have its own theme music. Its theme is a mashup of the fanfare to Alexander Courage’s TOS theme and Jerry Goldsmith’s theme for Star Trek: The Motion Picture, also used in Goldsmith’s later Trek movie scores (The Final Frontier and the last three TNG movies). I’m

The other real story is the obscene price of prescriptions in the U.S.

$5 says it’s a slummy used car dealer. I’ve had a roaming dealer up here (Vision Auto Group, from 4 hours away) that sells garbage like 2002 Honda Odysseys for only $99 a month (of course, on approved credit, and the thing’s got well over 100k miles on it).

Yeah, how do we know this entire year isn’t a deal they made with the devil in exchange for winning?

My mom called me crying from a casino in Vegas. She was born in Havana a month after he took power and lived in that hell for twelve years. I’m so happy my Grandpa got to see this day. Fuck Castro.

While I have friends who did their med school in Cuba, acknowledge the role he played in supporting Mandela (to a large degree because he wanted to tweak the nose of the US any way he could) and agree that US policy in Latin America has often been a disaster, I have little sympathy for someone who executed 5000

Please don’t talk like that. That’s how he talks.

I kept trying to write out a well-articulated reponse to that but hell if “Bye Felicia” doesn’t beat anything I had in every way.

I’m with you. I can’t believe that an article about a film that uses geopolitical dynamics as a plot device would discuss politics.

I’m completely confused as to how this is either unprofessional or inappropriate.

SOME SPOILERS: It is just a reflection of reality and what would happen. When it happened I laughed and said ‘haha Trump voters’.