Junkrat getting PotG is about as surprising as water being wet. He’s the most overpowered, noob friendly character in the game.
Junkrat getting PotG is about as surprising as water being wet. He’s the most overpowered, noob friendly character in the game.
The Expanse and Man in the High Castle didn’t make the top 20? That’s disappointing.
You’d be surprised how good of a sell “we’re going to degrade the shit out of you” is for some men and women. For some masochists, that literally IS the upside.
I honestly could not be happier. The Astros won a hard fought series, their first ever, and the Dodgers lost. That’s like two wins in one.
There’s a gulf of difference between DACA and the travel ban. DACA is a bandaid on a legal loophole that screws over kids and is only meant to be in place until Congress resolves that loophole and provides them a better path to citizenship than the one that currently exists.
Oh yeah, I knew from the beginning that they would pull this shit, and the “it’s temporary” lie was only an attempt to placate everyone who would be against it. I just want to make sure it’s said loudly every time the ban is brought up from now on: this is NOT meant to be temporary, it is in fact a permanent Muslim…
I hope I’m not the only one who has noticed that Trump’s original order was supposed to be TEMPORARY. Like, only until they could establish what they seemed satisfactory screening processes for allowing people in from the countries in question.
I would wager that part of the toxicity comes from the nature of the game: it’s a very team-reliant, fast paced FPS with a massive difficulty curve and highly specific balancing and countering.
I could be wrong, but I could have SWORN that this parody was made years ago in the wake of the Ferguson protests.
I’m not surprised. St Louis downtown is full of feral cats. I see at least one a night at work just strolling through our property. It sucks that they couldn’t keep an eye on the poor thing and get him/her to a shelter.
Okay, I really hate to ask this, but isn’t the guy innocent until proven guilty?
Sometimes relationships don’t work out and it’s no one’s fault. I wish both of them the best.
Oh, I see, so it’s only cheating if the Cardinals do it, right?
Anyone who’s looked at the history of stadiums in St Louis wouldn’t be surprised.
As a team leader, Yadi is indispensable. The guy knows how to work with every pitcher and guide them to victory. He’s been a joy to watch these past several years, and I’d love to see him manage a team once he’s done as a player. Of course, when he retires he’s earned the right to go and do whatever he damn well…
Lol, how did this comment work out for you?
He was really good in Fury.
I’m 29, which is too young to have listened to U2's 80s work as it happened, but I know and love both of those songs. And I agree with your interpretation of them.
Or hell, Dave Matthews Band’s Crash Into Me, which is about a crazy, stalking peeping Tom, but of course is treated as really romantic.
The same thing happened to U2 and One. Everyone thinks it’s a hippie love song. It’s not. It’s about a gay man who’s dying of AIDS angrily confronting his homophobic, estranged father.