pls edit headline
pls edit headline
people rely on eSports for income??
the solution is to seat new officials immediately after elections and not allow lame-ducks to kneecap their successors
ugg paywall
need a rule change, if the catch is incredible enough it should count even if out-of-bounds
time to redden you-know-who
# Slava Medvendenko
sorry, that was actually me!
its called ‘bs-ing’ and after decades in the business its clearly his forte
this is all designed to distract from Gruden’s Deadspin Awards Triumph
# Ravens will remain fun to watch up until the point Jackson inevitably breaks his leg in the first quarter of a playoff game.
No problem because Jackson’s backup is another guy who’s incredibly mobile so they can keep same offensive style, and he has definitely never broken his leg in a playoff game....oh wait
i cant tell if this is satire or semi-satire, but i kinda agree that Babe would have a tough time as he was. But if he were born in this era he definitely would have modern skills and training so it’s not a fair comparison.
Travis Knight played hard. cmon.
# A small and silly failure like this one is the work of a lifetime, both literally and figuratively; every stupid thing in Trump’s life led to this.
This is the perfect summary of his wasted 71 years of nothing.
this is exactly the solution that Red Dead Redemption 1 used.
Are the Deadspin Awards cancelled?
unsung hero is lineman #62 who busts his buns to get down there and throw key block
my grammar school actually made national headlines, yay!
this will be the last ever Kinja comment to mention Harold Miner.