What are the odds that there's a SINGLE family on that school board who needs that school lunch to ensure their kids can eat? We all know what they're really saying is "fucking poor people are leeching off my tax dollars".
What are the odds that there's a SINGLE family on that school board who needs that school lunch to ensure their kids can eat? We all know what they're really saying is "fucking poor people are leeching off my tax dollars".
You’re telling me that the same Willard who strapped his dog to the roof of his car on a 12-hour road trip until it shit itself said this?
I’m trying to cut costs as much as possible so that the agency can build up profits.
Of course a lady named “Karin” doesn’t give a shit about low-income kids.....same Karen, different spelling.
SMH. Waukesha is the cause and source to so many Wisconsin problems. And of course it’s a high average income area.
It’s like these ghouls read Oliver Twist as an instruction manual on the best way to deal with poor children.
MKE resident here: Waukesha county is one of the reddest counties on the face of the earth. That this decision should come from Waukesha is as shocking as the sun rising in the east.
Found a clip of this school board in action.
So it turns out that the very organization and activists are doing work behind the scenes on masking and shielding the very perpetrators that it’s supposed to be fighting against.
I’m in the same boat. I have never heard of this person or the band.
I was about to say, there’s absolutely no fucking reason that any child should have to pay for food when they go to school.
Children are so spoiled living in one of the richest countries in the world expecting to eat food every day.
““Karin Rajnicek, a board member, said the free program made it easy for families to “become spoiled.””
Oh, too fucking perfect.
I mean, they aren’t wrong. It’s been like 4 hours since I last ate and I’m fucking jonesing.
Yeah prefacing the statement with how wonderful Tina is tells us the org will continue to be a fixer for rich democrats and isnt here to help people.
Rhye’s Michael Milosh
I simply don’t care that Tchen/Time’s Up “didn’t know the depths and severity.” Time’s Up is supposed to support the victims, not the accused perpetrators. Period. Everyone in leadership there needs to be held accountable, and to explain the decision-making process behind helping Cuomo.
Because unfortunately his traits are exactly what’s needed to rise to the very top without wanting to blow your brains out or fire yourself into the sun to escape this dystopian reality we’re in, so that’s all that’s up there, and that’s all they bring into their group.
It’s interesting that all this time Rose McGowen has been throwing these people under the bus for not being on the correct side of the issue. People laugh, people pointed out that her vitriol undermined her message, people have called her crazy. In the end, she’s been proven right in many respects.
“defending her could risk their nonprofit status since she was accusing a candidate for federal office.” Really that’s the defense the head of a 501c4 and c3 puts out? Anyone that works at a nonprofit knows that a 501c4 (which Time’s Up Now is) is allowed to engage in political activity as long as it’s not the primary…