
The rich are so out of touch that I wouldn't assume he's joking at all. 

Is Gigi the Hadid who makes those awkward Coke commercials and tries to convince us she eats carbs with her fake friends?

If these turds are concerned about trafficked and sexually abused kids, go visit any Christian fundamentalist compound or any Catholic Church. Those places are ground zero for that shit. 

Wait. Why do they hate Graham? He's not conservative enough? What more do they want?! What's left?

Eve and Villanelle didn’t have chemistry; their relationship was shock value for the viewer/reader. Killing Eve didn’t make sense because a bulk of the scenes only had two outcomes: fucking or killing. It wasn’t more complex than that.

Lest you want to attribute this crazy shit to dementia, Trump also sexualized Tiffany on the Today Show right after she was born...30 years ago!

The only thing I remember about Jeb Bush is the 1984 Reagan/Bush T-shirt he thought was impressive and his insistence that "I'm my own man" but not even a few hours later a bunch of news coverage showed that all his policy advisors were copy and paste jobs from his father's and brother's administration. Like...he

Yeah she was scared for her life... because she was a raging racist. 

Yes but the mediocre white man in charge never bothered to engage in ongoing testing of a vehicle that regularly risks the lives of the people who use it. 

It makes me wonder if Princeton and Berkeley are embarrassed to have graduated that guy. I don't have an engineering degree, but my high school physics class 27 years ago taught me that thing was unsafe. 

But not lesbians though. If a lesbian sees a bra strap, she doesn’t morph into Brock Turner. She keeps it together.

the suit says it’s against state medical regulations for registered nurses to read ultrasounds because they’re not licensed diagnosticians.”

So I can hurt anyone I want if they’re not wearing a skirt? I can punch Last Name First Name guy because he was fragile directly due to wearing pants?

Wait. So the mass shooters wouldn’t have killed 14 girls if they’d been wearing skirts? I need to see evidence from all mass shootings since 1999 because I know at least one teacher was wearing a dress when she was killed. I also need to see the scientific data behind this claim.

Doesn’t the Star Wars video ironically violate Disney copyright? Did DahSantis get a cease and desist yet? Did he not learn his lesson the last time a fictional cartoon mouse kicked his ass?

The $10 leather couch scenario!

I’m not an engineer, but I suspect this is exactly what happened. This idiot assumed because he couldn’t see any visible damage that there wasn’t any so he figured he was in the clear.

I wonder if Pence realizes that he’s the epitome of the Commander in the Handmaid’s Tale.

The Sex and the City franchise is SJP’s baby. She has gone to great lengths to hang onto it, preserve it, and beg people to love it.

The woman in question wasn't an older woman. She was older by two years, not 22. And he gave so much identifying information that lead to the tabloids finding her in brief time.